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Snake River Pack

Area of Known Wolf Activity

Previous Snake River AKWA maps (for reference only)

Snake River Wolf
Snake River Wolf
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-



April 21, 2021 – In 2020, no reproduction was documented and no Snake River wolves were documented in the pack area at the end of the year.


April 15, 2020 – Reproduction was confirmed in 2019, but no pups were located during the winter count and the group was not counted as a breeding pair.


April 8, 2019 – In 2018, the Snake River Pack produced at least three pups that survived to the end of the year and was counted as a breeding pair.


April 12, 2018 – In 2017, the Snake River Pack produced at least three pups that survived to the end of the year and was counted as a breeding pair.


April 10, 2017 – In 2016, the Snake River Pack produced at least three pups that survived to the end of the year and was counted as a breeding pair.


March 4, 2016 – From the 2015 Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Annual Report

The Snake River pack was first discovered in the fall of 2011. The pack was counted as a breeding pair in 2015 with at least three pups surviving to the end of the year.  There are no radio-collars in this pack which historically spent the majority of time in the Snake River Unit with visits to the Chesnimnus Unit.


Feb. 25, 2015 – from 2014 Annual Wolf Report

Snake River Pack: The Snake River Pack was first discovered in the fall of 2011. The pack was counted as a breeding pair in 2014 with four pups surviving to the end of the year. Two radio-collared subadult wolves were monitored during the year, both dispersing from the pack by spring. The location data showed a pack area of 397 mi2 and 96% use of public lands within the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.


February 25, 2014 – From the 2013 Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Annual Report

The Snake River Pack was first discovered in the fall of 2011. Depredations were confirmed in 2013 and the pack was responsible for 1 dead and 2 injured cattle. The pack was counted as a breeding pair with at least 3 pups surviving. Two radio-collared subadult wolves were monitored during the year. The location data showed a pack area of 369 mi2 and 99% use of public lands within the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.


March 18, 2013  Snake River Pack wolves collared

On March 14, ODFW biologists collared and released two wolves from the Snake River pack in a helicopter capture operation. One of them (OR15) had been collared last August as a pup; biologists replaced his VHF collar with a GPS collar. The other wolf, OR18, is a year older than OR15 and was given a GPS collar also. These collars will enable biologists to better track this pack in a remote part of Oregon.

January 16, 2013 – The ending year-2012 wolf count for the Snake River pack is 7 and Snake River are a “breeding pair” for 2012. More information


August 3, 2012 ODFW successfully captured and radio-collared a wolf of the Snake River Pack yesterday (Aug. 2, 2012), the first collar for this pack. The 49-lb male pup was in excellent condition and was of a size which could easily handle the lightweight VHF collar. The collar will allow ODFW to monitor the pack in this remote portion of Oregon.

Snake River Wolf Pack Howling
-Video by ODFW-

August 1, 2012 – The Snake River pack has at least three pups, a July 25, 2012 survey found. Photos taken by remote camera also show at least three adults in the pack.

During this survey in the Summit Ridge area of the Snake River wildlife management unit in Wallowa County, an ODFW employee also captured video footage of one of the pups howling and other members of the pack returning the howl. See the video here. Wolves are highly social animals and howling is a common behavior that helps packs communicate and stay together. Wolf howls can be heard from several miles away.


October 2011 – New wolf pack in Snake River Unit

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