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Identifying Migration Corridors of Mule Deer Threatened by Highway Development
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Elk and Mule Deer Responses to Variation in Hunting Pressure (pdf)
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Responses of Elk and Mule Deer to Cattle in Summer (pdf)
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Variable strategies to solve riskâreward tradeoffs in carnivore communities (pdf)
Sustaining Rangeland Ecosystems (pdf)
The Influence of Season on Distribution Patterns Relative to Water and Resource Use by Cattle Grazing Mixed Forested Rangelands (pdf)
The Starkey Habitat Database for Ungulate Research: Construction, Documentation, and Use (pdf)
The Starkey Project: History, Facilities, and Data Collection Methods for Ungulate Research (pdf)
Understanding Ungulate Herbivory-Episodic Disturbance Effects on Vegetation Dynamics:Knowledge Gaps and Management Needs (pdf)
Washington ground squirrel translocation; 2013 Report, by Melody Henderson, Heppner District Wildlife Technician (pdf)
Fall Population Structure of Sage-grouse in Colorado and Oregon (pdf)
Aerial High Resolution Digital Imagery Elk Survey. Wildlife Technical Report 006-2016. H.H. Biederbeck, D. H. Jackson, and D. J. VandeBergh (pdf)
Adjusting for Radiotelemetry Error to Improve Estimates of Habitat Use (pdf)
Estimating Shrub Forage Yield and Utilization Using a Photographic Technique (pdf)
Mitigating Spatial Differences in Observation Rate of Automated Telemetry Systems (pdf)
Modeling animal movements using stochastic differential equations (pdf)
Nutritional Condition Models for Elk: Which Are the Most Sensitive, Accurate, and Precise? (pdf)
Validation of Elk Resource Selection Models With Spatially Independent Data (pdf)
Methods for Integrated Modeling of Landscape Change: Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System (pdf)