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Lists of Fish Species

This list contains the native fish species known to occur in Oregon.

Native migratory fish are species that migrate for their life cycle needs.

  • Threatened and Endangered Fish Species

    A list of all SMUs listed as threatened or endangered under state or federal law.

  • Sensitive Species

    Sensitive species are naturally-reproducing native animals which may become threatened or endangered throughout all or any significant portion of their range in Oregon. The list is non-regulatory and serves as an early warning system for biologists, land managers, policy makers, and the public. It helps ensure that conservation actions are prioritized, cost-efficient, and effective.

  • Conservation Strategy Species

    The Oregon Conservation Strategy identifies two major categories of strategy species: 1) species that are “low and declining” and 2) species that are indicative of the diversity and health of other wildlife in that habitat.

  • Prohibited and Controlled Fish, Mollusks, and Crustaceans

    Nonnative, introduced species (sometimes called "exotics") which are brought into Oregon for a variety of reasons are a major concern of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for a variety of reasons. Under administrative rules the species listed here may may not be imported, possessed, sold, purchased, exchanged or transported in the state.







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   © ODFW. All rights reserved. This page was last updated: 10/19/2016 10:48 AM