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Regulating harvest, protection, and enhancement of fish populations

Fish Species

Threatened and Endangered Species

"A species is considered endangered if it is in danger of extinction throughout all of a significant portion of its range. A species is considered threatened if it is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future" - NOAA

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service share responsibility for implementing the Endangered Species Act. Generally, USFWS manages land and freshwater species, whyle NMFS manages marine and anadromous species.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration)

Sensitive Species

To provide a positive, proactive approach to species conservation, a “sensitive” species classification was created under Oregon’s Sensitive Species Rule (OAR 635-100-040). The Sensitive Species List focuses fish and wildlife management and research activities on species that need conservation attention.


Oregon Conservation Strategy

The Oregon Conservation Strategy is a non-regulatory, statewide approach to species and habitat conservation. It helps identify and prioritize conservation actions for species and habitats which will benefit most. Strategy Species are those that have small or declining populations or are otherwise at risk in Oregon.

Oregon Nearshore Strategy

The Oregon Nearshore Strategy, adopted by the Oregon Fish & Wildlife Commission in December 2005, is a strategic document that establishes priorities for ODFW's management of nearshore marine resources. The Strategy provides a wealth of information on key nearshore species and habitats, information gaps and needs, and opportunities for public/private conservation actions and partnerships. Implementation of the Strategy is currently one of ODFW's top agency priorities for 2006-2007.

Oregon Native Fish Status Report

The Native Fish Status Report describes the current conservation status of native fishes in Oregon based on criteria defined in Oregon’s Native Fish Conservation Policy (NFCP). This report summarizes risk assessments completed for native salmon and steelhead, most native trout, and other selected native fish species using the NFCP interim criteria.


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