- Pacific Lamprey Harvest Permit (pdf) - Allows for the personal use harvest of Pacific lamprey at Willamette Falls from June 1 - July 31 for non-tribal members.
- Game Fish Tournament Permit - Allows for the implementation of a tournament to fish for game fish other than bass and walleye, if certain criteria are met.
- Bass and Walleye Tournament Permit - Allows for the implementation of a tournament to fish for bass and walleye, if certain criteria are met.
- Youth Fishing Event Permit/Authorization (Submit at least 14 days in advance of event)
- Fish Passage Approval - Approves design and project implementation when barrier owners trigger fish passage
- Fish Scientific Take Permit - A Scientific Take Permit is required for any person desiring to take marine fish, shellfish, and invertebrates and freshwater fish, mussels/clams, and crayfish from waters of the state for scientific or educational purposes. The typical timeline from submitting your application to receiving the issued permit is 4-6 weeks but can take longer if application edits are needed or if your project is new/complex, has a federal nexus and is still awaiting federal authorization/permit or if it requires additional ODFW review/feedback from staff (ex. pathology, work in Marine Reserves).
- Fish Rescue/Salvage Authorization - A Rescue/Salvage Authorization is required to take marine fish, shellfish, and invertebrates and freshwater fish, mussels/clams, and crayfish from waters of the state for rescue and salvage purposes (i.e., collection and movement for protection from potentially lethal impacts due to construction, water temperature, etc...). The typical timeline from submitting your application to receiving the issued permit is 4-6 weeks but can take longer if application edits are needed or if your project is new/complex, has a federal nexus and is still awaiting federal authorization/permit or if it requires additional ODFW review/feedback from staff.
- Columbia River Snagging Permit (pdf)- Permit for commercial fishers to operate a snagging net in the Columbia River for the purpose of clearing a drift or drifts of debris prior to a commercial fishery. Return completed permit form to the Columbia River Fisheries Manager by faxing to 971-673-6072.
- Experimental Gear Permit - Permit for commercial fishers to operate experimental gears to test the efficacy for potential fisheries
- Fish Propagation License - License allows rearing of fish for sale by private hatchery operator as authorized by ORS 497.288 OAR 635-07-650
- Fish Transportation Permits - Permit allows for the transport of live fish or eggs in Oregon
- Grass Carp Permits - Permit allows for the release of triploid grass carp into certain waterbodies.
- Non-Native Crayfish Permit – This permit is used to authorize the importation, possession, purchase, or intrastate transport of non-native crayfish in Oregon for the purpose of immediate consumption.