Previous OR33 AKWA maps (for reference only)
• 8/4/2016 (pdf)
(for reference only)
• Swan Lake Valley (OR33
• Lower Grizzly Peak (OR33)
• Swan Lake Valley (OR33) Conflict Deterrence Plan
• Lower Grizzly Peak (OR33) Conflict Deterrence Plan
October 11, 2017 – OR33 was found dead on the Fremont-Winema National Forest about 20 miles northwest of Klamath Falls. More info.
April 10, 2017 – The radio-collar on OR33 failed in August 2016. OR33 was seen outside the AKWA during the fall of 2016, but his current status is unknown.
August 4, 2016 – OR33 is a GPS radio-collared male wolf that dispersed from the Imnaha Pack in northeast Oregon in November 2015. During his dispersal through at least 13 counties, he traveled through the Columbia Basin and Southern Blue Mountains. Between February and June, OR33 traveled alone throughout Klamath, Jackson, and a small portion of Douglas and Lake counties. During that time, he depredated in two areas. Since mid-June OR33 has localized his movements in southeastern Jackson and southwestern Klamath Counties. OR33 is using an area that is also designated as an AKWA for the Keno wolves. Biologists will continue to monitor OR33, as it would not be surprising for OR33 to leave this area and continue searching for a mate or territory.