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Wolf Program Updates

Wolf Program Updates were combined with Wolf-Livestock Updates to a single update page called Wolf Updates.  Visit the Wolf Updates page to sign up for email notifications when new information is released.


October 18, 2022

OSP Fish and Wildlife seeks public's assistance in locating person(s) responsible for shooting and killing a wolf in the Lookout Mtn Unit (Baker County)

September 12, 2022

New Area of Known Wolf Activity – Warm Springs (Jefferson and Wasco Counties)

A new AKWA (Area of Known Wolf Activity) has been designated in the northern Oregon Cascades. 

Two wolves were first found in December 2021 by Confederated Tribe of the Warm Springs (CTWS) biologists. After no sign for a while, two pups were caught on a trail camera in August, proving that wolves are still resident in the area.  If the group still has at least four wolves at the end of 2022, the group will be named the Warm Springs Pack. 

All documented locations so far have been on the CTWS Indian Reservation.

AKWAs are created where and when wolves have become established, meaning an area is used repeatedly over time by the same wolves and not simply dispersing wolves moving through the area. Wolves in the Cascades are protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.

August 24, 2022

Aerial wolf pack footage. View on YouTube

Advances in wolf monitoring with high tech help from OSP Fish and Wildlife Troopers

In this video taken May 2022 in southwest Oregon, an adult wolf from the LAS13/OR115 group returns to its den. The video was taken from about 10,000 feet with a gyro-stabilized daytime and infrared video camera in one of OSP Fish and Wildlife’s planes.

Wildlife biologists typically use trail cameras and GPS radio collars to monitor wolf activity. During summer, that monitoring includes looking for pups out of the den.

Wolf pups are typically born in April, weaned in June, can weigh about 35 pounds by August, and sometimes wander away from the den or rendezvous site at this time of year.

Survey work for Oregon’s annual wolf count doesn’t start until the end of the year, but having an idea of how many pups have been produced by a pack and their color (black or gray) can help with counting later.

Radio collars aid in monitoring as clusters of activity in a certain location can indicate a wolf den or rendezvous site. While biologists don’t enter wolf dens to count pups, they do set trail cameras around known den locations to observe pups and other members of the pack.

In this case, ODFW biologists were able to get an even better look at a wolf den—from 10,000 feet. Thanks to the help of OSP Fish and Wildlife, ODFW was able to confirm the location of this den site and focus its monitoring for wolf pups.

The camera is primarily used for anti-poaching operations, watching for TMA/road closure violations, surveillance and reconnaissance for criminal activity, missing persons searches, wildlife monitoring (including big game and sage grouse surveys), and for marine reserves and fisheries enforcement.

With young wolves exploring away from the den this time of year and more people outdoors during summer and fall, it’s a good time to review how to avoid problems with wolves:

  • Familiarize yourself with current areas of wolf activity, places where wolf packs are known to be resident, by exploring this county level map .
  • If you see wolf pups, leave the area. Other wolves are likely nearby. If wolves find you near the den or a carcass they are feeding on, they may howl and follow you, at a distance, until you leave the area. 
  • Leash your dog when outdoors. Wolves are territorial and guard their territory from other canids including domestic dogs. Keeping dogs leashed (or at least under your control) will help avoid conflict with a variety of wildlife, including cougars, bears, deer and elk, and also helps protect birds.
  • If you see a wolf, make sure it knows you are there. Yell at it and make noise; the wolf is likely to run away (see this video for tips).
  • If you see wolves or wolf tracks/scat, especially in an area not known to have wolves, you can report it online at ODFW’s wolf page (
  • Hunting in wolf country? Juvenile wolves can resemble coyotes, so make sure you know how to tell them apart.  Also, hunters dressed in camouflage and imitating elk sounds can attract wolves that are hunting the animals you are pretending to be. Simply stand up and use your voice to let it know you are human.
  • Remember that wolves may not be hunted in Oregon and shooting a wolf is only allowed in defense of human life (or in some instances of chronic livestock depredation).

August 11, 2022

OSP Fish and Wildlife seeking public assistance in identifying person(s) responsible for killing a wolf – Baker County, reward at $11,500.

July 20, 2022

Male wolf
Trail camera photo of an adult wolf with five pups photographed on July 4, 2022 in the Upper Deschutes wildlife management unit in Klamath County.

New Area of Known Wolf Activity (AKWA) - Upper Deschutes  

ODFW has designated a new AKWA in the Upper Deschutes wildlife management unit in Klamath and Deschutes Counties.  

ODFW has been monitoring reports of a single wolf in the area since August 2021 and one wolf was counted during the winter count.  Early in 2022, tracks of four wolves were found in the area and since then, biologists have been working to determine if the activity represented newly established wolves or wolves from the Indigo Pack just to the south. 

Last week biologists picked up a trail camera that had pictures of an adult wolf with five pups (photo) photographed on July 4. This confirmed that a new group of wolves had become resident in the area.  

This is another example of a new wolf use area being discovered thanks to reports from the public, which help biologists focus their monitoring. As a reminder, wolf sightings can be reported at  

AKWAs are created where and when wolves have become established, meaning an area is used repeatedly over time by the same wolves and not simply dispersing wolves moving through the area. The designation also helps alert livestock producers about wolf presence.  

Livestock producers in the AKWA are encouraged to consider non-lethal measures to reduce any potential conflict with wolves. Find out more at The Upper Deschutes wolves are using an area where wolves remain protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. Find out more information here:  

Depending on how many wolves are in this group of wolves at the end of the year, it may be designated the Upper Deschutes Pack. A pack is defined as at least four wolves traveling together in winter and typically includes at least two adult wolves and offspring.  

While, at this time, biologists have mapped an estimated area used by these wolves, additional surveys will be conducted to learn more about the group’s specific home range. See the estimated use area map by clicking on the Klamath and Deschutes County maps at

April 19, 2022


The minimum known count of wolves in Oregon at the end of 2021 was 175 wolves, an increase of two wolves over the 2020 minimum known number of 173, according to the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management 2021 Annual Report released today. 

This annual count is based on verified wolf evidence (like visual observations, tracks, and remote camera photographs). The actual number of wolves in Oregon is higher, as not all individuals present in the state are located during the winter count.

Wolf mortalities were higher this year with 26 known mortalities, up from 10 in 2020.  Of those, 21 were human-caused (due to poaching, vehicle collisions, and ODFW lethal control after chronic livestock depredation).

“The wolf count did not increase as much over the past year as in previous years, and a higher number of mortalities that included the loss of breeding adults certainly played a role,” said Roblyn Brown, ODFW wolf biologist. “Despite this, we are confident in the continued health of the state’s wolf population as they expand in distribution across the state and show a strong upward population trend.”

Depredations of livestock continue to trend lower than the wolf population and most packs did not depredate in 2020. However, last year saw higher counts of wolf depredation (49 confirmed incidents vs 31 in 2020) with most incidents happening from late summer to fall rather than in spring.

“After a calm spring with few incidents, we saw a much higher number of depredations from July through November despite livestock producers’ extensive non-lethal efforts to reduce conflict,” said Brown. “We thank all producers who have taken preventive measures and encourage all those in areas with wolves to reach out for assistance.” ODFW offers technical advice and funds are available to support non-lethal preventive measures through ODA’s Wolf Compensation Grant Program.

Brown did express concern about the level of wolf poaching in Oregon with losses that included an entire wolf pack last year. “We hope that anyone with information will step forward, which can be done anonymously, and claim the preference points or the monetary reward offered which is now at $50,000 for the Catherine Pack.”

April 7, 2022

OSP seeking info on dead wolf in Baker Co, reward at $11,500.

February 22, 2022

OSP seeking info on wolf shot in Union Co, reward already above $22,000.

February 11, 2022

Federal court ruling returns wolves to ESA listing, federal management

On Feb. 10, 2022, a U.S. District court ruling in response to a lawsuit returned wolves west of Hwys 395-78-95 to the federal Endangered Species List.  The lawsuit had been filed by a coalition of groups including Cascadia Wildlands, Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center, the Western Environmental Law Center and others after wolves in the western two thirds of Oregon and much of the U.S. were delisted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in early 2021.

Federal rules now supersede Wolf Plan/Oregon Administrative Rules in this area and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (not ODFW) is the lead management agency.  The ruling changes wolf management west of Hwys 395-78-95. Some tools for responding to livestock depredation are no longer available, including the “caught in the act” rule that allowed livestock producers to shoot a wolf caught in the act of biting, wounding, killing (and in some areas chasing) livestock. Also, Wolf Plan rules that allowed ODFW to consider lethal control of wolves when non-lethal measures are failing to stop chronic livestock depredation are also off the table.  

Livestock producers are encouraged to review this website to understand the current rules and sign up for Wolf-Livestock Updates to receive updates on wolf activity in the state.

January 11, 2022

OSP seeking info on wolf shot in Wallowa Co


December 15, 2021

Reward climbs to nearly $50,000 for information on poisoned wolves

December 6, 2021

Rewards top $36,000 for information on Catherine wolf pack poisoning

December 2, 2021

Oregon State Police seeking public assistance in the poisoning of Catherine Wolf Pack – Union County

The Oregon State Police is seeking public assistance in locating the person or persons responsible for the poisoning of the Catherine Creek Wolf Pack in eastern Oregon.

More information

November 22, 2021

ODFW extends permit for lethal removal of one wolf (OR30 wolves, Umatilla County)

A producer with a lethal take permit that was set to expire today will have their permit extended through Friday, Dec. 3.

The producer is actively removing livestock from their pastures for the season and needs additional time to search canyons and timber. The producer has continued to use non-lethal measures since their permit was issued Oct. 28, and these efforts will continue.

ODFW does not plan to announce the expiration of the permit. ODFW will announce if a wolf is taken on the permit or if additional depredations occur.

October 28, 2021

ODFW approves lethal removal of one wolf after further depredations by OR30 wolves (Umatilla County)

ODFW has authorized lethal action and will provide a kill permit to a livestock producer who requested the option after ODFW confirmed an additional depredation by wolves on a calf in a private land pasture last week.

Since early June, OR30 wolves have depredated six times on private land pastures, resulting in the death or injury of five sheep and five calves. A previous removal permit for these wolves to a different producer expired on Aug. 31 with no wolves taken.

Lethal take can be authorized by ODFW in chronic depredation situations when there is significant risk to livestock present in the area.

The permit allows the producer or their agent to kill one wolf on the private land they are using within the OR30 Wolves Area of Known Wolf Activity. The permit expires Nov. 22, when the one wolf is killed, or when the producer’s livestock are removed from the area, whichever comes first. The producer’s method of take under the permit is restricted to shooting the wolf from the ground.

Under the rules, livestock producers must be using and document non-lethal methods appropriate to the situation before lethal control can be considered. Also, there can be no identified circumstances on the property (such as bone piles or carcasses) that are attracting wolves. During each livestock investigation as well as during each trip to the investigation sites, the Department searched the immediate area for any bone piles, carcasses, or other attractants and found none.

The producer has and continues to remove any dead, sick or injured livestock from their pasture to reduce the risk of attracting predators. They have maintained an increased human presence, working long hours (10-15 hours daily) to check livestock frequently using both horse and ATV. Producers have also hazed wolves late into the night using firearms as noisemakers to scare them off. For several weeks, the producer has also been camping on site to monitor and gather cattle.

Lethal action is authorized with the goal of putting an end to the chronic depredation but livestock producers will also continue to use nonlethal measures.

October 20, 2021

Three more wolves removed from Lookout Mt Pack; lethal control authorization ends

ODFW removed three more wolves from the Lookout Mt pack today in Baker County (one yearling and two 6-month-old juveniles).

This pack has now been determined to be involved in 12 livestock depredations since July. The most recent depredation happened in mid-October. Before that incident, the pack had not depredated for about a month (not since ODFW removed three other wolves from the pack on Sept. 17). 

Today's action occurred during a helicopter flight and completes the lethal control permit that was announced Sept. 16 (which authorized the take of up to six wolves; two of those could have been taken by livestock producers). This means that no further lethal control of the Lookout Mt wolves is authorized at this time. Livestock producers with a lethal control permit have been notified that their permit is no longer in effect. 

ODFW staff have removed eight wolves from the pack since lethal control was first authorized in late July. As many as three wolves remain—the collared breeding female and up to two juvenile wolves.

"We've seen good results from incremental removal in the past, when removing a few members of the pack reduced or even stopped further depredations," said Roblyn Brown, ODFW Wolf Coordinator. "It's disappointing that was not the case this time."

October 1, 2021

ODFW approves lethal removal of up to two wolves after repeated depredations in the Ukiah Valley area, Umatilla County

ODFW has authorized lethal action and will provide a kill permit to a livestock producer who requested the option after confirming two depredations in a three-day period in the Ukiah Valley area. The depredations were confirmed on private land pastures on Sept. 25 and Sept. 28, resulting in the death or injury of eight calves. Lethal take can be authorized by ODFW in chronic depredation situations when there is significant risk to livestock present in the area.

The permit allows the producer or their agents to kill up to two wolves on a portion of the private land they own in the Ukiah and Heppner units. The permit expires Oct. 31, 2021, when the two wolves are killed, or when the producer’s livestock are removed from the area, whichever comes first. The method of take under the permit is restricted to shooting the wolves from the ground.

Under the Wolf Plan rules, livestock producers must be using and document non-lethal methods appropriate to the situation before lethal control can be considered. Also, there can be no identified circumstances on the property (such as bone piles or carcasses) that could be attracting wolves.

ODFW found no attractants. During each livestock investigation as well as during each trip to the investigation sites, the Department searched the immediate area for any bone piles, carcasses, or other attractants and found none.

Prior to the first depredation, the producer has removed dead animal carcasses from the landscape, and continually monitored the health of the cow herd and removed animals that are sick and in risk of attracting predators. Since the first confirmed depredation, the producer has additionally had employees stay with the cattle each night and utilize hazing tools to deter wolves from the area.

At the time of the depredations, there was no area of known wolf activity (AKWA) designated in the area the depredations occurred.  The location of these events is less than two miles from the estimated boundary of the Fivemile Pack.  There is limited location data for the Fivemile Pack and it is possible these wolves are now utilizing areas east of the current AKWA boundary.  Recent public reports have also indicated multiple wolves within ten miles southeast of the depredations.  ODFW has identified an initial area around the presence of the depredating wolves in the Ukiah Valley area to address associated risk to livestock.  ODFW staff are monitoring the region to confirm resident activity by new wolves as well as confirm the current movements of the Fivemile Pack.

Lethal action is authorized with the goal of putting an end to the chronic depredation but livestock producers will also continue to use nonlethal measures.

September 17, 2021

ODFW removes three wolves from Lookout Mt Pack

This morning, ODFW field staff lethally removed three wolves from the Lookout Mt Pack on private land. The adult breeding male, a yearling male, and one 5-month-old juvenile were removed to reduce chronic depredation and hopefully change the pack's behavior relating to conflicts with livestock. A total of six wolves were seen during the flight operations, although there could have been others nearby in the timber.

The wolves were located near a dead calf, and a depredation investigation is now ongoing. Initial indications point to another depredation by the Lookout Mt Pack, just four days after a calf depredation was confirmed eight miles away.

Livestock depredations by the Lookout Mt Pack have not been deterred despite extensive non-lethal measures in place since early spring, and the lethal removal of two wolves from the pack in early August. By targeting the breeding male, ODFW hopes to still allow the breeding female to raise any remaining juveniles. Reducing the number of juveniles she will need to feed increases the likelihood that some will survive.

September 16, 2021

ODFW expands Lookout Mt lethal authorization after continued depredations (Baker County)

ODFW is increasing lethal removal efforts on the Lookout Mt pack due to continued depredations and evidence the pack is now focusing on livestock, not natural prey.

The decision comes after nine livestock depredations in two months—despite extensive non-lethal measures in place since early spring, and the lethal removal of two wolves from the pack in early August.  The most recent depredation was confirmed during an investigation on Sept. 13 (a six-month calf killed in a large forested pasture on private land).

The Lookout Mt wolf pack has continued to depredate and presents a significant risk to livestock in the area—a risk that will continue as livestock will be present in the pack’s AKWA (area of known wolf activity e.g. range) all winter. September and October also tend to have higher depredation rates historically on cattle in large rangeland pastures.

Due to this situation, ODFW is issuing limited duration kill permits to four impacted livestock producers that allow them to take two uncollared wolves from the ground on land they own or legally occupy from now until Oct. 31.

ODFW also intends to lethally remove another four wolves, aerially or from the ground, including the VHF-collared breeding male. ODFW does not plan to target the GPS-collared breeding female.

Wolves have been present in this area for two years with little direct conflict. Challenges started in February 2021 when wolves started visiting livestock calving pastures. Producers in the area increased night checks, installed fladry, and hazed wolves from near their calving and winter pastures but depredations began in mid-July and have continued.

Five of those depredations have occurred since ODFW first authorized lethal control on July 29 and removed two 3.5-month-old wolves on Aug. 1. Hazing, human presence, and lethal removal activities have been effective at moving wolves around the AKWA, but depredations unfortunately continued.

The pack currently numbers up to nine wolves. Both Lookout Mt collared adult breeders and five juveniles (now about 50 pounds) have been documented by ODFW as recently as Sept. 8. One or two yearlings are likely still present in the AKWA although they have not been observed since Sept. 1.

Non-lethal measures in place before the depredations started in mid-July have continued. Producers have further increased their presence on the landscape; moved cows to pastures where they believed livestock were less vulnerable based on wolf location information provided by ODFW; hazed wolves out of their herds with firearms; and concentrated livestock in smaller pastures. One producer sold a large group of yearling cattle earlier than planned to reduce risk of additional depredation to those animals.

Since July 29, affected producers have had a lethal control permit allowing them to take up to four uncollared wolves. ODFW initially structured the incremental lethal control to not target collared breeding adults. This was an effort to keep the pack intact and enable the adults to continue to feed remaining juveniles (removing breeding adults is more likely to break up a pack).

It has proven difficult to take wolves from the ground, rather than by helicopter. After failed ground attempts, ODFW removed the two 3.5-month old juveniles from the pack from a helicopter during a flight on Aug. 1 (the yearlings were not observed during the flight or they would have been removed first). Producers have repeatedly shot at wolves chasing their livestock (allowed under Oregon’s “caught in the act” statute) but missed.

ODFW staff have spent over 120 hours on the ground in the Lookout Mt AWKA since July 30 to remove the yearlings and supplement human presence efforts to move wolves away from livestock. Livestock producers have spent hundreds more hours.

There is no evidence that the wolves are being attracted to pastures or other areas with livestock due to bone piles, carcasses or other circumstances. Livestock producers continue to watch for and remove any attractants, and ODFW has not identified any conditions that attract wolves and fosters conflict during its repeated investigations of depredation incidents.

There is evidence that the Lookout Mt pack is focused on livestock even though deer and elk are common and often seen in the same areas where depredations are occurring. Wolves’ preferred prey, elk, are abundant in this unit and currently well over their population management objective.

The wolves have been observed chasing cows during the day multiple times. While monitoring wolf locations and habitat use, multiple clusters of GPS locations (indicating time spent feeding at a location) have been identified and visited either by livestock producers or ODFW staff. Only dead livestock have been located at the clusters, no natural prey have been found.  (The breeding female’s GPS collar provides her location up to eight times per day.)

“This pack has made a shift in their behavior,” says Roblyn Brown, ODFW Wolf Coordinator. “Instead of the occasional opportunistic killing of a vulnerable calf, now they are targeting livestock despite the high numbers of elk and deer in the area where the depredations have occurred and extensive human presence to haze wolves.”

“Previously we avoided removing an adult to keep the pack intact and give the breeding adults a chance to raise the remaining juveniles and to change their depredation behavior”, continued Brown. “We know it’s hard for some to accept any killing of wolves let alone the juveniles, but we structured it this way to try keep the pack intact. Unfortunately, this did not have the desired effect and we are now out of options for this pack to stop depredating on livestock.”

By targeting the breeding male, ODFW hopes to still allow the breeding female to raise any remaining juveniles. Reducing the number of juveniles she will need to feed increases the likelihood that some will survive.

Brown thanked livestock producers for all their work to try to avoid depredation and recognized the impact it has had on their lives. “While nine depredations in relationship to the large number of cattle raised in Oregon might seem like not that big of a deal, this situation has had a huge impact on the individual producers affected,” she said. “Local producers have worked so hard to protect their calves for months now, going above and beyond what they were required to do under Oregon’s Wolf Plan at great personal cost in time, energy, fuel, and other expenses. “

Many things, including other ranch duties, have fallen to the wayside while they have focused on human presence up on the mountain, so we want to express our appreciation for their hard work during this very difficult situation,” she added.

September 1, 2021

Expiration of kill permit for OR30 wolves (Umatilla County)

The kill permit issued Aug. 3 that would have allowed a livestock producer in the Meacham area experiencing chronic depredation to kill one wolf expired at midnight on Aug. 31, 2021.

No wolves were taken under the permit.

Cows are still in the private land pasture where two depredations had occurred in late July.  The non-lethal measures that were implemented prior to the depredations have continued and no additional depredations were confirmed in that pasture since July 23.

After an Aug. 29 investigation, ODFW confirmed two additional depredations by the OR30 wolves in another area of the AKWA where a depredation occurred in June.  However, there is no other active lethal take permit for the OR30 wolves at this time.

August 23, 2021

Update on lethal take authorization for Lookout Mt Pack

The initial lethal control authorized by ODFW on July 29 was successful in slowing livestock depredations by the Lookout Mt Pack. Depredations stopped for 18 days after two juvenile wolves were killed by ODFW on Aug. 1. The Lookout Mt Pack had previously killed or injured five cows in five separate incidents over a 14 day period in late July. A permit issued to producers to remove wolves expired on Aug. 21.

Nonlethal measures continued during the previous permit period and continue to date, with livestock producers continuing their high level of daily human presence, hazing wolves, removing injured cattle, moving cattle to different pastures, and coordinating with other landowners and ODFW biologists to focus nonlethal activities in the appropriate areas.

Unfortunately, another livestock depredation by the pack was confirmed on Friday, Aug. 19 and ODFW is issuing a new permit for an additional three weeks (expires Sept. 14, 2021).

ODFW has a responsibility to address continued chronic livestock depredation by wolves and strives to first pursue incremental lethal control rather than removing entire packs to strike a balance between protecting livestock and wolves on the landscape. Other options may be considered in situations where incremental lethal control and nonlethal activities are unsuccessful at resolving depredations.

The new permit will allow the three producers who have experienced depredations on their family-run cattle operations on public and private land to kill up to a total of two uncollared wolves. It does not increase the number of Lookout Mt wolves that may be killed (the original permit allowed for up to four uncollared wolves to be taken). The permit is limited to land the producers own or where they legally graze cattle.

August 3, 2021

ODFW approves lethal removal of one wolf after repeated depredations by OR30 wolves (Meacham area, Umatilla County)

ODFW has authorized lethal action and will provide a kill permit to a livestock producer who requested the option after confirming three depredations in a two-month period in the OR30 Wolves Area of Known Wolf Activity. The depredations were confirmed on private land pastures on June 2, July 21 and July 23, resulting in the death or injury of five sheep and two calves.  Lethal take can be authorized by ODFW in chronic depredation situations when there is significant risk to livestock present in the area.

The permit allows the producer or their agent to kill one wolf on 4000 acres of private land they own or lawfully occupy in the Mt Emily Unit within the OR30 Wolves Area of Known Wolf Activity. The permit expires Aug. 31, 2021, when the one wolf is killed, or when the producer’s livestock are removed from the area, whichever comes first. The method of take under the permit is restricted to shooting the wolf from the ground. Foothold trapping could also occur but requires the landowner and/or agent to undergo training and final approval from ODFW on required trapping protocols and demonstrated abilities.

Under the Wolf Plan rules, livestock producers must be using and document non-lethal methods appropriate to the situation before lethal control can be considered. Also, there can be no identified circumstances on the property (such as bone piles or carcasses) that could be attracting wolves.

ODFW found no attractants. During each livestock investigation as well as during each trip to the investigation sites, the Department searched the immediate area for any bone piles, carcasses, or other attractants and found none.

The producer has removed dead animal carcasses from the landscape. Prior to sheep turn-out in late May, the producer searched the pasture for two days for attractants and wolf sign. When available the sheep were night penned in established permanent corrals.  Livestock guardian dogs and a sheep herder were present 24-hours per day for monitoring and protection. Electrified night penning of sheep occurred when the use of an established permanent corral was not available.  They continually monitor the health of the sheep and cow herds and remove animals that are sick and in risk of attracting predators. Since mid-June, the producer has employed a range rider 6-7 days/week with the cows and calves in order to have near constant human presence during daylight hours in the heavily timbered pasture. The range rider is an experienced outdoorsman that has been monitoring for wolf tracks and other sign. The producer has adjusted their turn-out dates later in the year to allow pasturing of larger calves, and chosen the largest of their calves to be put in this pasture. 

OR30 was first observed with another wolf in the Mt Emily Unit within the present AWKA in spring 2020.  The new pair bred but only one pup survived through the end of the year. The group was not designated as a pack during the 2020/21 winter count because there were only three wolves (a pack is four or more wolves). OR30’s radio collar failed in early 2020 so there are no functional radio collars and lack of access to private land has made monitoring this group a challenge this year. It is unknown if the pair bred this year or the number of wolves in the group.

Lethal action is authorized with the goal of putting an end to the chronic depredation but livestock producers will also continue to use nonlethal measures.

July 29, 2021

ODFW approves lethal action after four depredations in 14 days by Lookout Mt Pack (Baker County)

ODFW has authorized lethal action and will provide a kill permit to a livestock producer who requested the option after ODFW confirmed that the Lookout Mt Pack killed or injured four of their cows in a 14-day period (July 14-26, 2021). Three of the cows were 850-950 lb. yearlings. The pack has been determined to be chronically depredating and presents a significant risk to livestock present in the area.

The permit allows the livestock producers or their agents to kill up to four uncollared wolves in a designated area (a mix of private land and public land where they have a grazing permit) where wolves are determined to be a significant risk to livestock present. The permit expires Aug. 21 or when livestock are removed from the area, whichever comes first. ODFW staff may kill wolves included in the permit to assist the producer.

Under the Wolf Plan rules, livestock producers must be using and document non-lethal methods appropriate to the situation before lethal control can be considered. Also, there can be no identified circumstances on the property (such as bone piles or carcasses) that could be attracting wolves.

ODFW found no attractants during its investigations of depredations. The producers have been implementing non-lethal measures for years and since January 2021 these measures included night checking of calving cows, use of rag box, placing calving cows near house and barns in small 30-acre pastures, hazing wolves out of the calving areas, burying dead calves and cows and frequent communication with ODFW on the wolves’ location.  Since cattle were placed in the large rangeland pastures, the livestock producers have checked them frequently, placed cows in specific pastures based on wolf activity, and recorded and communicated wolf presence to ODFW and neighboring producers.  Since the depredations started on July 14, producers have increased their human presence, hazed wolves using firearms, removed injured livestock from pastures, and shifted cattle to pastures with less forage available to try and prevent further conflict.

The current Lookout Mt wolves were first documented in 2019 and were documented as a breeding pair for the first time in 2020 (meaning they had two pups that survived through the end of the year). Four wolves including two pups were documented at the end of 2020 (these pups would be yearlings now) and seven 2021 pups were observed in May. Currently both adult breeders have functioning radio collars (a VHF and GPS collar).

Lethal action is authorized with the goal of putting an end to the chronic depredation but livestock producers will also continue to use nonlethal measures.

April 21, 2021

Oregon has at least 173 wolves, a 9.5 percent increase over last year

SALEM, Ore.—State wildlife biologists counted 173 wolves in Oregon this past winter, a 9.5 percent increase over last year’s count of 158 according to the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management 2020 Annual Report released today at

This annual count is based on verified wolf evidence (like visual observations, tracks, and remote camera photographs) and is considered the minimum known wolf count, not an estimate of how many wolves are in Oregon. The actual number of wolves in Oregon is likely higher, as not all individuals present in the state are located during the winter count.

A total of 22 packs were documented during the count. (A pack is defined as four or more wolves traveling together in winter.) Of those packs, 17 reproduced and had at least two adults and two pups that survived through the end of 2020, making them “breeding pairs.” Seven other groups of 2-3 wolves were also identified.

More information.

January 4, 2021

ODFW now managing wolves statewide after wolf delisting from federal Endangered Species List

SALEM, Ore.—Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service formally removed most gray wolves in the lower 48 from the Endangered Species List, which turns management over to state fish and wildlife agencies including ODFW.

In Oregon, wolves west of Highways 395-78-95 had remained on the federal ESA when the area east of this boundary was delisted in 2011.

While U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was the lead agency in the western two thirds of the state, ODFW has always played a significant role in wolf conservation and management statewide since wolves began to re-establish themselves in Oregon in the 2000s.

More information.



Male wolf
The breeding male wolf from the Cornucopia pack. The wolf was poached on or about Sept 24 in Baker County, Oregon.

October 23, 2020

$6,150 reward for information about recent wolf poaching in Baker County

The reward now stands at $6,150 for information about a wolf poaching incident in Baker County on or around Sept 24. The reward includes $300 or five hunter preference points offered through the Turn In Poachers (TIP) program if the information leads to a citation in the case.

The crime occurred northwest of New Bridge in the Skull Creek drainage of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest on Forest Service Road 7741. OSP Fish and Wildlife troopers recovered the carcass of a black wolf with a pink radio collar off the 125 spur road, about one mile east of Eagle Forks campground. It had been shot, according to OSP Fish and Wildlife Lieutenant Tim Schwartz.

The wolf was the breeding male of the Cornucopia Pack in eastern Baker County. More info

April 15, 2020

2019 Annual Wolf Report released



Aug. 19, 2019

U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Oregon News Release:
Lane County Man Pleads Guilty to Shooting At Endangered Gray Wolf

June 18, 2019

Updated Wolf Plan and associated rules posted on ODFW website

June 07, 2019

Commission adopts revised Wolf Plan in 6-1 vote

SALEM, Ore.—The Commission adopted a Wolf Plan today at its meeting in Salem in a 6-1 vote after hearing from 44 people who came to testify and reviewing thousands of public comments.

Allowing controlled take (limited regulated hunting and trapping of wolves) was one of the most controversial topics in the new Wolf Plan. The original Plan adopted in 2005 allowed for controlled take only in Phase 3 (currently eastern Oregon), in instances of recurring depredations or when wolves are a major cause of ungulate populations not meeting established management objectives or herd management goals. While ODFW believed it needed to remain a tool available for wolf management, the department has not proposed any controlled take of wolves and has no plans to at this time.

Commissioners made some changes related to “controlled take” from the proposed Plan.  An addendum was added clearly stating that “Use of controlled take as a management tool requires Commission approval through a separate public rulemaking process” and the definition of controlled take was modified.

Additional minor changes were made to emphasize the importance of non-lethal tools to address wolf-livestock conflict and easy access to this information. Non-lethal measures to prevent wolf-livestock conflict continue to be emphasized in all phases of the Plan, and required before any lethal control is considered.

After some discussion, Commissioners revised the definition of chronic depredation (which can lead to lethal control of wolves if non-lethals are in use and not working) in Phase 2 and 3 from two confirmed depredations with no specific time frame to two confirmed depredations in nine months.

The Wolf Plan will be filed with the Secretary of State and posted on the ODFW Wolves webpage ( within the next few business days.

In other business over the two-day meeting June 6-7, the Commission also:

  • Allocated big game auction and raffle tags for 2020.
  • Heard a briefing on the crab fishery and reducing the risk of whale entanglements.
  • Adopted harvest limits for Pacific sardine in state waters for July 2019-June 2020 based on federal regulations.
  • Approved funding for Access and Habitat projects that provide hunting access or improve wildlife habitat on private land.
  • Heard a briefing on proposed changes to 2020 big game hunting regulations as part of efforts to improve and simplify the Big Game Hunting Regulations

The Fish and Wildlife Commission is the policy-making body for fish and wildlife issues in Oregon. Its next meeting is Aug. 2 in Salem.

May 10, 2019

May 17 Commission conference call discussing Oregon Wolf Plan

SALEM, Ore.—Fish and Wildlife Commissioners will meet by conference call on Friday, May 17 from 1-3 p.m. to discuss the draft Wolf Plan  in preparation for rulemaking at the June Commission meeting.

The meeting is informational only; no action will be taken during the meeting and no public testimony will be taken during the call.

Members of the public may listen in to the conference call at ODFW Headquarters in Salem, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive, where ODFW staff will be on the call speaking with Commissioners by phone. The call will also be live-streamed, with the link available at ODFW’ s Commission page

Final consideration/adoption of a revised Wolf Plan remains scheduled for the June 7 meeting in Salem.

April 15, 2019

Draft revised Wolf Plan available for review
Commission to consider at June 7 meeting in Salem

SALEM, Ore.—ODFW released its draft proposed Wolf Conservation and Management Plan today at

The Fish and Wildlife Commission is expected to vote on the Plan at its June 7 meeting in Salem.

Once adopted, the Plan will be the third edition of the Wolf Plan, which was first adopted in 2005 after an extensive public process and revised in 2010.

The proposed Draft Plan was written by staff but involved extensive meetings with stakeholders and public comment at several prior Commission meetings. In 2018, the Commission also directed ODFW staff to host facilitated meetings with stakeholders to seek consensus on unresolved issues.

The draft Plan incorporates ideas where consensus was reached, but agreement was not possible on all topics. See a report on the facilitated meetings’ outcomes here.

“Wolf management is a polarizing topic with strong views on all sides, so it’s tough to find consensus,” says Derek Broman, ODFW carnivore and furbearer program coordinator. “But regardless of people’s views on wolves, the wolf population in Oregon is growing in size, number of packs and packs reproducing, while expanding its range.”

Defining chronic depredation that might lead to lethal control of wolves and hunting of wolves are some of the most contentious issues. Staff previously proposed the definition of chronic depredation be three confirmed depredations in a 12-month period in Phase 2 and 3, a change from the current definition (two confirmed depredations in an unlimited timeframe). Due to feedback from stakeholders at the facilitated meetings, the Draft Plan now proposes two confirmed depredations in nine months in Phases 2 and 3 (so the only change from the current definition is a  9-month time restriction).

Like the original Plan, the Draft Plan would allow controlled take only in Phase 3 (currently eastern Oregon) in instances of recurring depredations or when wolves are a major cause of ungulate populations not meeting established management objectives or herd management goals.

ODFW is not proposing any controlled take of wolves at this time, but believes regulated hunting and trapping needs to remain a tool available for wolf management.  Any proposal for controlled take of wolves would require Commission approval through a separate planning and hunt development process. 

Other major topics addressed in Plan include:

  • Wolf-livestock conflict, including an expanded section on the latest non-lethal tools and techniques for reducing conflict.
  • Wolf interactions with native ungulate populations, including annual ungulate population estimates before and after wolf establishment. Elk, wolves’ primary prey, have increased in some units with wolves and decreased in others. However, interpretation of the impact of wolf predation on elk is confounded by management efforts to reduce elk numbers in units where they are over management objective or to minimize conflicts with elk on private land. Mule deer have been below desired levels for more than two decades, before wolves’ returned to Oregon, with changing land management strategies, invasive weeds, and recent severe weather among the main reasons for their decline.
  • Wolf population monitoring and potential conservation threats.
  • Strategies to address wolf-human interactions.

Public testimony on the draft Plan will be taken during the June 7 meeting and can also be sent to  Emails sent by May 23 will be included with staff proposal as part of the review materials shared with Commissioners prior to the meeting.

April 8, 2019

Oregon’s minimum known wolf count is 137, a 10 percent increase from last year
ODFW releases 2018 Annual Report

Chesnimnus Wolf
The breeding male of the new Chesnimnus Pack caught on camera during the winter survey on U.S. Forest Service land in northern Wallowa County in December 2018. Photo by ODFW.
Click photo to enlarge

SALEM, Ore.—State wildlife biologists counted 137 wolves in Oregon this past winter, a 10 percent increase over last year’s count of 124, according to the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management 2018 Annual Report released today at

This annual count is based on verified wolf evidence (like visual observations, tracks, and remote camera photographs) and is considered the minimum known wolf count, not an estimate of how many wolves are in Oregon. The actual number of wolves in Oregon is likely higher, as not all individuals or groups of wolves present in the state are located during the winter count.

Sixteen packs were documented during the count, up from 12 packs in 2017. (A pack is defined as four or more wolves traveling together in winter.) Eight other groups of 2-3 wolves were also identified. Fifteen of those packs successfully reproduced and had at least two adults and two pups that survived through the end of 2018, making them “breeding pairs,” a 36 percent increase over last year’s number.

“The state’s wolf population continues to grow and expand its range, now into the central Oregon Cascade Mountains too,” said Roblyn Brown, ODFW Wolf Coordinator.

Highlights from the report:

  • Resident wolf numbers and reproduction increased in western Oregon. A second pack (White River Pack) reproduced and was designated a breeding pair for 2018, joining the Rogue Pack. The Indigo group of at least three wolves was also found in the Umpqua National Forest.
  • Three collared wolves dispersed to California and one to Idaho.
  • Approximately 13% of wolves known at the end of the year in Oregon were monitored via radio collar.
  • Biologists documented more than 15,000 wolf location data points by radio collar or other methods including aerial, track and howling surveys. 53% of these locations were on public land, 40% on private and 7% on tribal.
  • The breeding female of Oregon’s oldest known reproducing pack, the Wenaha Pack, disappeared and no reproduction was documented for the pack in 2018. The female wolf was at least 10 years old, which is old for a wolf living in the wild, and she appeared in poor body condition in summer trail camera photos.

More info

March 21, 2019

Indigo wolf
Wolf from the Indigo group on Feb. 20, 2019. Photo courtesy US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Click photo to enlarge

New Indigo group of wolves in southern Oregon Cascades

A new Area of Known Wolf Activity (AKWA) has been designated by ODFW in the southern portion of the Indigo Unit (Douglas and Lane Counties). Wolf activity has been reported by the public in this area for several years and biologists found tracks of multiple wolves (suggesting wolves were resident in the area) in late 2018. Trail camera images of three wolves were captured by a US Fish and Wildlife Service remote camera on Feb. 20, 2019 in the Umpqua National Forest (see photo).

At this time, wildlife managers have little data regarding the specifics of this new group (i.e., sex, breeding status, and specific use area) and additional surveys are needed to find out more information.

February 12, 2019

Wolf Plan adoption postponed to future meeting

On Friday Feb. 8, 2019 at the Commission meeting in Portland, Chair Finley announced that the adoption of a revised Wolf Plan scheduled for March 15 would be postponed to a future meeting, to allow everyone more time to review the Plan and Commissioners more time to talk with constituents. ODFW staff intend to make a draft Plan available for review in early March; the Plan will be posted on ODFW’s wolf webpage ( ).

January 10, 2019

Wolf Plan revision to be presented to Commission in March

Some progress made, but stakeholders could not find consensus on several topics

SALEM, Ore.—After completing the last scheduled facilitated meeting with stakeholder representatives on Monday, Jan. 8, ODFW staff are working to finalize a revised Wolf Conservation and Management Plan. That Plan will be presented to the Commission at its March 15 meeting in Salem for final adoption.

Last year, Commissioners decided to postpone Wolf Plan revisions and conduct additional facilitated outreach in hopes of getting more consensus from stakeholders. Professional facilitator Deb Nudelman with Kearns and West facilitated five meetings with stakeholders from late August 2018 through early January 2019.

While stakeholders representing ranching, hunting and wolf conservation came to agreement on some topics, there was no consensus on several of the most controversial issues including the number of livestock depredations that leads to consideration of  lethal removal of wolves when nonlethal deterrents have not worked. Environmental group stakeholders with Oregon Wild, Cascadia Wildlands, Center for Biological Diversity, and Defenders of Wildlife announced late last Friday, Jan. 4 that they would not attend the final meeting.

“We were disappointed these groups left the discussion and we did not have the full stakeholder group present at the final meeting,” said Derek Broman, ODFW Carnivore Coordinator. “Since the drafting of the original 2005 plan, stakeholders remain very passionate so consensus is challenging to achieve.”

The facilitated process was designed to create a space for stakeholders to negotiate and allow for give and take on all sides,” he continued. “We thank all stakeholders for their time and attention at the meetings and for the progress made on several issues, and everyone thanks Kearns and West for their professional facilitating of these meetings.”

Stakeholder groups were able to find some consensus on wolf collaring priorities, the desire to increase the use of nonlethal techniques and funding enhanced population modeling. But stakeholders remained divided on lethal take of wolves when they are killing livestock, including the number and time frame of confirmed depredations before lethal control of wolves is considered.

ODFW is responsible for investigating livestock depredations and uses a rigorous, evidence-based process to determining if a wolf or wolves was responsible.  A certain number of “confirmed” livestock depredations can lead to consideration of lethal removal of wolves by the department or a landowner. Currently, the Plan allows for consideration of lethal removal after two confirmed depredations within no specific time frame, but ODFW typically authorizes lethal removal after three or more confirmed depredations. In practice, ODFW has denied more lethal removal requests for wolves than it has approved.

Since the first Wolf Conservation and Management Plan was approved in 2005, hunting of wolves has been in the Plan as a potential tool to manage wolf populations. Throughout the current review of the Wolf Plan, no proposals have been made by ODFW to begin hunting wolves.  If hunting of wolves were to be proposed by staff in the future, it would have to be approved by the Commission in a public rule-making process.

The Wolf Plan proposal will be available for review prior to the March 15 meeting Commission meeting on the wolf website at

Michelle Dennehy, (503) 947-6022,
Derek Broman, (503) 947-6095,



Wolf Management Zones
Photo shows the breeding male of White River wolves with two pups, taken Aug. 19 by remote camera on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. Photo courtesy of Wildlife Department BNR-Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Click photo to enlarge

August 29, 2018

Pups for White River Wolves

A new pair of wolves in the White River Unit (southern Wasco County) south of Mt Hood has produced at least two pups this year.

A remote camera on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation first captured images of two pups on Aug. 10. This marks the first known reproduction by wolves in the northern portion of Oregon’s Cascade Mountains since wolves began returning to the state in the 2000s.

Wolves in Wasco County and anywhere west of Hwys 395-78-95 are protected by the federal Endangered Species Act, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the lead management agency.

ODFW, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs are working together to monitor this group of wolves.

August 22, 2018

Facilitated meeting with Wolf Plan stakeholders Aug. 30 in The Dalles

SALEM, Ore.—ODFW will host a meeting with Wolf Plan stakeholders on Thursday, Aug. 30 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at The Dalles Screen Shop, 3561 Klindt Drive. Stakeholders deeply involved with the Wolf Plan update have been invited to attend.

The topic of the meeting will be the Wolf Plan, which has been undergoing a review and update. Earlier this year, Fish and Wildlife Commissioners decided to postpone final Wolf Plan adoption and conduct additional facilitated outreach in hopes of getting more consensus from stakeholders.

Professional facilitator Deb Nudelman with Kearns & West will facilitate the Aug. 30 meeting and look for ways to find consensus among various stakeholders on remaining issues and concerns among stakeholders. Most of those concerns relate to the take of wolves in Oregon and terminology/definitions.

No formal decisions or rule modifications will be made during the facilitated meeting. But products from this and any future facilitated meetings will be incorporated into the Wolf Plan update for adoption by the Fish and Wildlife Commission at a future date.

The meeting will be open to the public, though seating is limited. A public comment period is scheduled for 3:45 p.m. on Thursday at the meeting.

June 21, 2018

ODFW to provide kill permit after three depredations by wolves in Wallowa County

ODFW will provide a kill permit to a rancher in Wallowa County who requested lethal removal after three of his calves were injured by wolves in his pasture last week. The permit will allow the rancher or his agent to kill one wolf on the privately owned pasture he leases and his adjacent public land allotment. The permit expires July 10, when he removes his cattle from that pasture. ODFW staff also has the authority to kill the one wolf.

A wolf or wolves in the Joseph Creek area in the Chesnimnus Unit injured three calves in the same privately-owned, open land pasture of the rancher’s over three separate incidents during a three-day period last week. ODFW confirmed the injuries as wolf-caused during two investigations on June 13 and 14.

The area where the depredations occurred is within the Chesnimnus Wolves Area of Known Wolf Activity. Three wolves were counted in this area at the end of 2017 but as there are no working collars in this group, it is unclear if the wolves involved are new wolves using the area, or remnants of the Chesnimnus Pack. ODFW is working to learn more about these wolves and will place a radio collar on a wolf if there is an opportunity.

Under the Wolf Plan rules, livestock producers must be using non-lethal methods and document unsuccessful attempts to solve the situation through these non-lethal means before lethal control can be considered. Also, there can be no attractants on the property (such as bone piles or carcasses) that could be attracting wolves.

ODFW did not identify any attractants on the property when investigating the depredation incidents. In terms of non-lethals, the producer has been checking livestock repeatedly since they were placed in pasture earlier in June; maintained human presence around the cows/calves including checking them during the night; penned the cows/calves in a smaller area after the first two depredations; removed injured livestock from the pasture to avoid attracting wolves; monitored the area for wolf sign and changes in cattle behavior; and arranged for an agent to spend several nights with the cattle after the first depredations.

Removing a wolf is intended to stop further depredations on this producer’s cattle. Authorizing incremental take and providing a kill permit is typically the first step ODFW takes when livestock producers using non-lethal measures cannot stop losses and ODFW believes depredations will continue. In this case, one or more wolves are routinely using this area and cattle will be at risk in this pasture until July 10.

April 18, 2018

ODFW staff shot two wolves from the Pine Creek Pack (an uncollared yearling female and an uncollared adult male) this morning. The wolves were on private land and were shot from a helicopter.

Last night (evening of April 17), ODFW announced that additional lethal control of two wolves was authorized after a confirmed depredation on Sunday and two more confirmed depredations on Monday, April 16. These depredations occurred in a different area about 5-6 miles away from the April 6-7 depredations. (Reports on the Monday investigations should be posted online sometime today). The three recent depredations bring the total to five incidents of depredation by the Pine Creek Pack, killing four calves and injuring six calves and affecting two different livestock producers.

Producers in the new area have been implementing non-lethal activities including burying bone piles and removing carcasses. Ranch staff have hazed the wolves away multiple times. Ranch staff have also been patrolling cattle from before daylight until darkness daily and keeping track of the wolves’ location with ODFW assistance.  Finally, ranch staff have delayed turning out cattle on large open range pastures and have moved cattle from pastures where  the most recent depredations occurred.

ODFW had planned to provide the latest producer affected with a kill permit for two wolves, but as ODFW staff have already killed two wolves, no kill permit will be issued to this producer.

The Pine Creek Pack is now estimated to number five wolves including a breeding male (OR50), breeding female and three yearling wolves. One additional wolf from the pack could still be taken back at the site of the April 6-7 depredations by ODFW staff or under a kill permit that expires May 4.

April 12, 2018

Two wolves from the newly discovered Middle Fork Pack
Two wolves from the newly discovered Middle Fork Pack on U.S. Forest Service land in the Imnaha WMU in Wallowa County in December 2017. Photo by ODFW.

Oregon home to more than 124 wolves; count finds 11% increase over last year

2017 Annual Wolf Report released today

SALEM, Ore.— ODFW wildlife biologists counted 124 wolves in Oregon this past winter, an 11 percent increase over the number counted last year.

This count is based on verified wolf evidence (like visual observations, tracks, and remote camera photographs) and is considered the minimum known wolf population, not an estimate of how many wolves are in Oregon.

Twelve wolf packs were documented at the end of 2017. Eleven packs were successful breeding pairs, meaning that at least two adults and two pups survived to the end of the year. This marks a 38 percent increase in breeding pairs from 2016.

More information about the minimum wolf count is available in Oregon’s 2017 Annual Wolf Report which was released today. ODFW staff will present an overview of the report to the Fish and Wildlife Commission at their April 20 meeting in Astoria.

Read the full news release

Update April 11, 2018

ODFW staff who were already in the area hazing wolves shot and killed an uncollared yearling female wolf of the Pine Creek Pack yesterday afternoon on the private land where previous depredations occurred. Staff shot from the ground (no aircraft were involved).

April 10, 2018

ODFW to provide kill permit after rancher loses calves to Pine Creek Wolf Pack

Incremental take of two wolves authorized

ODFW will provide a kill permit to a rancher in Baker County, after two confirmed depredations by wolves of the Pine Creek Pack in two days on private property he is leasing to graze his cows. The wolves killed three calves and injured four others.

While the producer requested full pack removal, ODFW is only authorizing the take of two wolves at this time. Under the terms of this permit, the producer can kill up to two wolves on the private property he leases where the depredations occurred, when his livestock is present on the property. The permit expires on May 4. ODFW staff are also authorized to kill the two wolves.

Under the Wolf Plan rules, livestock producers must be using non-lethal methods and document unsuccessful attempts to solve the situation through these non-lethal means before lethal control can be considered. Also, there can be no attractants on the property (such as bone piles or carcasses) that could be attracting wolves.

ODFW determined that there were no attractants on the property when it responded to a depredation report late last week. In terms of non-lethal measures, this producer was penning cattle and pairing calves and cows before turnout (keeping the mother cow with her calf can help deter depredation). This producer had delayed turning out his cattle and before he did, he and range riders watched for wolf activity but saw none. After the first report of wolves in the area chasing his cows, the producer used the range riders to check cattle and harass wolves. After the second depredation, riders hazed (shot firearms without harming wolves) to get the wolves to move. Beginning Sunday and continuing into Monday, ODFW staff have assisted in non-lethal efforts by using aircraft to haze wolves away from the pasture.

The Pine Creek is a new pack previously referred to as the OR29/OR36 pair. It was designated after ODFW’s winter counts showed it met the definition of a pack (minimum of four wolves travelling together in winter, typically a breeding male and female and offspring). It currently numbers eight wolves—a breeding male and female, five yearlings (wolves born a year ago), and one other adult wolf. The breeding female appears to be pregnant and if she is, is expected to den up in the next 1-2 weeks.

The pack’s breeding male, OR50, was formerly of the Harl Butte Pack but left that pack in October 2017 and joined OR36 in Baker County. The previous breeding male OR29 left the pack in the fall and did not return.

Removing wolves is intended to stop further depredations by the Pine Creek Pack on this producer’s cattle. Authorizing incremental take and providing a kill permit is typically the first step ODFW takes when livestock producers using non-lethal measures cannot stop losses and ODFW believes depredations will continue. In this case, collar data shows these wolves have a pattern of routinely using this property at this time of year and many producers are getting ready to place cows on the neighboring pastures soon.

March 14, 2018

Oregon State Police News Release (03/12/18)

Elgin Case Gets Guility Plea to Unlawful Taking of Wildlife

March 1, 2018 PRESS RELEASE (This release is being sent on behalf of the Union County District Attorney's Office. Any questions should be directed to their office.)

David Sanders Jr., 58, appeared before Judge Thomas Powers in Union County Circuit Court on February 26, 2018 and plead guilty to one count of Unlawful Taking of Wildlife--Unbranded Traps (ORS 498.002, A Misdemeanor). The State dismissed one count of Unlawful Taking of Wildlife--Special Status Game Mammal in exchange for Sanders' guilty plea and agreed upon sentence. 

Judge Powers sentenced Sanders to the agreed upon negotiation between the parties of 24 months of bench probation, 100 hours of community service, a hunting/trapping license suspension of 36 months and a $7,500 fine. [ODFW note: Sanders also forfeited the firearm and all trapping related items seized during the investigation and was sentenced to a $1,000 fine in addition to the $7,500 paid in restitution to ODFW.]

The charges stemmed from an incident in which an Oregon State Police trooper discovered a trapping site off of Highway 204, west of Elgin on December 10, 2017. This location is on US Forest Service land in the Umatilla National Forest. The trooper observed and identified Sanders as the individual who had set the traps. The trooper then returned to that location on December 18, 2017 where he discovered that a deceased wolf appeared to have been shot a short distance from the unbranded traps. When officers confronted Sanders, he admitted that he had in fact shot the wolf after he had discovered the animal in his trap. Evidence collected from this incident included the firearm used to shoot the wolf and a photograph of the wolf in the trap before it was killed. Sanders was emphatic that he was attempting to trap bobcats only, not wolves. Sanders cooperated with the investigation when confronted by law enforcement. (More info)

January 31, 2018 – Oregon State Police News Release

Elgin Man Charged For Unlawful Taking Of Wolf And Unlawful Trapping - Union County - 01/31/18

On December 18, 2017, an Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife Trooper was inspecting a trap line near Elgin, OR, when he located a deceased wolf adjacent to one of the foothold traps. Upon inspection, it was determined that the wolf had more than likely been shot after having been caught in the foothold trap.

The trooper initiated an investigation, including an x-ray examination and necropsy of the deceased wolf, which revealed a small caliber bullet retrieved from the wolf's spinal column. Throughout the investigation, a suspect was developed and following an interview, the individual admitted to killing the wolf after finding it caught in one of his traps. The investigation also determined that the trapper was utilizing traps, which were not branded or marked with the trapper's information, as required by law.

Following the investigation, David M SANDERS (JR), age 58, of Elgin, was cited to appear for Unlawful Taking of Wildlife --Unbranded Traps and Unlawful Taking of Wildlife -- Special Status Game Animal (both misdemeanors). SANDERS was arraigned in Union County Circuit Court on January 23, 2018, where the case is still pending.

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) assisted with the identification of the wolf and also collected DNA samples for further testing. According to ODFW, the wolf killed was a 63.5 pound juvenile female born in April 2017. Based on its location, ODFW believes it was the offspring of a new pair of wolves that bred this year in the Mt. Emily Wildlife Management Unit, but is awaiting DNA results to confirm this. (More information about this new pack will be available in March, when ODFW releases its annual wolf report.)

ODFW reminds all trappers to immediately contact OSP or their nearest ODFW field office if they find a wolf caught in a trap. Four wolves are known to have been inadvertently caught by licensed trappers since wolves began returning to Oregon in the late 2000s, but in all these known cases, the trapper contacted ODFW. Wildlife biologists were able to respond and then collar and safely release the wolf from the trap.

No further information to be released at this time.

January 16, 2018 – News Release from US Fish & Wildlife Service and ODFW

Northern Cascades Wolves
Northern Cascades Wolves
Images of two wolves in the northern portion of Oregon’s Cascade Mountains were captured on remote ODFW cameras on the Mt Hood National Forest. Photos taken Jan. 4, 2018.

Wolves confirmed in northern portion of Cascades (Wasco County)

THE DALLES, Ore.—At least two wolves are using an area in southern Wasco County, marking the first time multiple wolves have been confirmed in the northern portion of Oregon’s Cascade Mountains since they began returning to Oregon in the 2000s.

The wolves were documented on the White River Wildlife Area and Mt Hood National Forest and have also been observed on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation.

Several wolves are known to have dispersed through Wasco County in the past few years. A single wolf was documented in the White River Unit in December 2013. In May 2015, a wolf from the Imnaha pack travelled through the area as he dispersed to Klamath County. Later in 2015, a single wolf was documented in Wasco County.

Wolves in Wasco County and anywhere west of Hwys 395-78-95 are protected by the federal Endangered Species Act, so U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the lead management agency.

Additional information about Oregon’s wolf population will be available in March, after ODFW completes its annual winter surveys and minimum population count.

Contact info.

UPDATE: At their meeting on Jan. 19 in Salem, Commissioners decided they want to conduct some additional facilitated outreach and postpone final Wolf Plan adoption in hopes of getting more consensus from stakeholders. So the Wolf Plan will not be considered for adoption at the April meeting in Astoria. ODFW will announce a new meeting date when it’s scheduled.

January 4, 2018

Wolf Plan adoption scheduled for April Commission meeting

At the December Commission meeting after invited stakeholder testimony, Commissioners chose to move the previously scheduled rule-making and adoption of an updated Wolf Plan from the January 19 meeting to a future meeting. ODFW has now scheduled that agenda item for the April 19-20 Commission meeting in Astoria. Public testimony about the Wolf Plan will be taken at the Astoria meeting and can also be provided via email at



November 30, 2017

Working copy of revisions to the April 2017 Draft Wolf Plan now available

A working copy of the revised Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan is now available online at This working copy shows the edits staff have made to the April 2017 Draft Wolf Plan as a result of comments from stakeholders, the public and commissioners.

ODFW staff will brief the Fish and Wildlife Commission on this Working Copy of the Draft Wolf Plan at their Dec. 8 meeting in Salem. A panel of representatives from stakeholder groups has also been invited to testify at the meeting, but no other public testimony will be taken on Dec. 8.

ODFW staff will complete additional edits after the December meeting in preparation for adoption and rule-making of a final Draft Wolf Plan scheduled for the Jan. 19, 2018 commission meeting in Salem. Public testimony will be taken at that meeting and can also be provided via email at

November 17, 2017 – News Release from Oregon State Police


The Oregon State Police is asking for the public’s assistance in locating the individual(s) responsible for shooting and killing a wolf in Wallowa County. The wolf was found dead in the Chesnimnus hunt unit in an area known as Cold Springs on Wednesday November 14, 2017. The wolf was a collared wolf known as OR23 and it is believed that it died Sunday or Monday morning (November 12 or 13).

The Oregon State Police is investigating the incident and has found evidence that the wolf was killed by a gun shot. Due to this being an on-going investigation, no further information will be released at this time.

Poaching (otherwise known as unlawful take) of fish and wildlife, to include wolves, is a problem in Oregon and will be vigorously investigated by the Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Division, says Captain Jeff Samuels. As the Division only employs 120 officers statewide, the public’s assistance greatly increases the chances of catching persons involved in poaching.

“We are upset and frustrated by the unlawful wolf killings in Oregon,” said Doug Cottam, ODFW Wildlife Division Administrator. “Poaching of any wildlife is wrong and harmful to their conservation. Please, if you know something about any of these cases, step forward and provide information to OSP, which can be done anonymously.”

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Sergeant Chris Hawkins at the La Grande Patrol Office, 541-963-7175 ex 4670. Callers can also stay anonymous by calling the Turn In Poachers (TIP) hotline at 1-800-452-7888.

Contact Info:
Captain Bill Fugate
Public Information Officer
Oregon State Police

Media Email:

November 6, 2017 – News Release from US Fish & Wildlife Service

$5,000 Reward Offered for Information on Illegal Killing of Gray Wolf OR-25 Near Fort Klamath, Oregon

PORTLAND, Ore. — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest or a criminal conviction of the person(s) responsible for killing a federally protected gray wolf in south-central Oregon. On October 29, 2017, a radio collared male gray wolf known as OR-25 was found dead near Fort Klamath on Sun Pass State Forest.

OR-25 was collared as a yearling on May 20, 2014, and dispersed from the Imnaha Pack in northeastern Oregon in March 2015. The wolf was approximately 4½ years old at the time of its death and was not known to be part of any pack at that time.

It is a violation of the Endangered Species Act to kill a gray wolf, which is listed as endangered in the western two-thirds of Oregon. It is also a violation of Oregon state game laws. The Oregon State Police and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are investigating the incident. More info.

November 2, 2017 – News Release from Oregon State Police
Preview posted on FlashAlert: November 2nd, 2017 9:56 AM

OSP investigates wolf killed by elk hunter - Union County

On October 27, 2017 at about 11:30AM, an OSP Fish and Wildlife Trooper and an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Biologist responded to the report of an elk hunter, who had self-reported shooting a wolf in Union County. The two responded to the hunter's camp in the Starkey Wildlife Management Unit.

The hunter, a 38-year-old male, from Clackamas, told the trooper he had been hunting elk alone, when he repeatedly noticed some type of animal moving around him. A short time later, the hunter observed three of what he assumed would be coyotes. He said at one point one of them began to run directly at him, while another made its way around him.

The hunter stated he focused on the one running directly at him. He began to scream at it, and fearing for his life shot it one time. He said what he still believed to be a coyote died from the single shot. He stated that after the shot the other two disappeared out of sight.

The hunter said he returned to his camp and told fellow hunters what had occurred. He said he was still uncertain if what he shot was a coyote. He said they returned to the location and came to the conclusion it was a wolf. The hunter then notified ODFW and OSP.

Further investigation at the site of the shooting indicated the hunter was 27 yards from where he shot and where the wolf died. The wolf was seized and later released to ODFW for examination. The Union County District Attorney's Office was consulted regarding the investigation and based upon the available evidence the case will not be prosecuted as this is believed to be an incidence of self-defense.

It is unlawful to kill a wolf in Oregon, except in defense of human life (and in certain instances involving wolf depredation of livestock).

According to ODFW, this incident marks the first time that a wolf has been reported shot in self-defense in Oregon since they began returning to the state in the late 1990s.

ODFW examined the wolf shot and determined it was an 83-pound female associated with the OR30 pair of wolves occupying the Starkey and Ukiah WMUs in northeast Oregon (Union and Umatilla Counties). Initial examination does not indicate that the wolf was a breeding female, but the wolf's DNA will be analyzed to confirm this.

"Dangerous encounters between wolves and people are rare, as are such encounters between people and cougars, bears and coyotes," said Roblyn Brown, ODFW Acting Wolf Coordinator. "They will usually avoid humans and leave the area when they see, hear, or smell people close by. If you see a wolf or any other animal and are concerned about your safety, make sure it knows you are nearby by talking or yelling to alert it to your presence. If you are carrying a firearm, you can fire a warning shot into the ground."

Contact Info:
Captain Bill Fugate
Public Information Officer
Oregon State Police

Media Email:

October 11, 2017 US Fish and Wildlife Service News Release

$5,000 Reward Offered for Information on Illegal Killing of Gray Wolf Near Klamath Falls, Oregon

PORTLAND, Ore. — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person(s) responsible for killing a federally protected gray wolf in southcentral Oregon.

On April 23, 2017, a canid carcass was found about 20 miles northwest of Klamath Falls on Fremont-Winema National Forest. The carcass was sent to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's Forensics Labs in Ashland, Oregon, for a necropsy, which determined that it was a male gray wolf known as OR-33, and that it died from gunshot wounds. The Service does not have an estimated date of when it was shot. More info.

Oct. 6, 2017 Update on the lethal take authorizations for Harl Butte, Meacham packs

Harl Butte Pack: Additional lethal take authorized

ODFW confirmed an additional two depredations by the Harl Butte Wolf Pack in the past few days, during investigations on a dead calf on private land on Sept. 29 and an injured calf on private land on Oct. 1.

ODFW will now authorize additional incremental lethal take of up to four wolves from the pack, which may be killed either by ODFW staff or by  livestock producers affiliated with a local grazing association who will be provided with a limited duration lethal take permit. The permit is valid until 10/31/2017 and allows them to kill wolves in pastures on public or private land currently occupied by their livestock. 

The Harl Butte pack is currently estimated at nine wolves (six adults and three wolves born this past spring). The younger wolves are likely to weigh between 50-60 pounds by this time of year while adult wolves generally weigh 70-115 pounds. Any wolf in the pack may be taken under the lethal control authorization.

ODFW has removed four adult wolves from the Harl Butte pack since Aug. 3, when it first authorized lethal control after non-lethal measures failed to prevent wolf-livestock depredation. The fourth wolf was killed Aug. 25. “With continued non-lethal measures by the livestock producers throughout the grazing season, we were hoping to see depredations stop after removing four wolves. And six weeks had passed with no depredations since mid-August. Unfortunately, it didn’t last,” said Roblyn Brown, ODFW acting wolf coordinator. “Grazing season is not over and these cattle will be on public land until Oct. 31 and private land even later depending on the weather.”

“As wildlife managers, we are responsible for balancing the conservation of wolves on the landscape with our obligation to manage wolves so that damage to livestock is limited. We need to take further action with this pack,” said Brown.

Livestock producers in the area have continued to use non-lethal preventive measures to limit problems with wolves. These measures include: increased human presence during daytime hours and spending nights outside to protect cattle from wolves; grouped cattle into one pasture instead of several; removed horses from a pasture after ODFW observed a wolf interacting with the horses; and a county and a volunteer range rider have patrolled the area and hazed wolves away from cattle. More info

Meacham Pack: Lethal control expires

The lethal control authorization for a livestock producer with chronic depredation by the Meacham wolf pack on private land ended on Sept. 30. The permit was not renewed because no further depredations have occurred and livestock are mostly removed from the area. While the lethal order authorized the removal of up to two wolves, only one wolf, a female, was killed on Sept. 7 where the previous depredations had occurred. 

ODFW initially said this female wolf was a non-breeding female. Upon further detailed examination of the wolf’s remains, ODFW determined that the female wolf had bred this year. More info

Wolf track Test your skills!
Coyote and Wolf Identification Quiz

Sept. 19, 2017 Take ODFW’s new Coyote and Gray Wolf ID Quiz to learn how to tell the difference between wolves and coyotes

SALEM, Ore.—ODFW has launched a new online Coyote and Gray Wolf ID Quiz to help people differentiate between wolves and coyotes. Find the online quiz at  More info.

Sept. 8, 2017 Update on Meacham Pack lethal control

Yesterday, a non-breeding adult female of the Meacham pack was killed under the Wolf Kill Permit authorized by ODFW.

Aug. 25, 2017 Update on the Harl Butte Pack

ODFW killed the fourth Harl Butte wolf, a non-breeding adult female, this morning (Aug. 25). A third wolf was killed on Aug. 17, also a non-breeding adult female. The pack is now believed to number six adult wolves plus at least three pups.

ODFW will continue to monitor the situation to see if the removal of four wolves has been effective in limiting further wolf-livestock losses. Livestock producers will continue to use non-lethal deterrents including daily human presence, removal of potential attractants, and hazing. More Information.

Aug. 24, 2017 Dedicated non-lethal efforts fail to limit Meacham Wolf Pack depredations on private land

ODFW authorizes incremental lethal take of wolves

ODFW has confirmed four livestock depredations by the Meacham Wolf Pack of Umatilla County this month, all to the same livestock producer in the same privately-owned pasture. This is despite dedicated and substantial proactive non-lethal efforts to stop wolf-livestock conflict. More information.

Aug. 16, 2017 Update on the Harl Butte wolf pack

Today, ODFW confirmed another depredation by the Harl Butte wolf pack. ODFW intends to remove an additional two uncollared wolves (not pups) from this pack to limit further livestock losses.

Note the Harl Butte wolf pack is larger than originally estimated. ODFW has found evidence of at least eight wolves remaining in this pack, not including three pups. 

Two weeks have passed since ODFW first announced plans to lethally remove wolves from the Harl Butte wolf pack due to chronic depredation. ODFW removed two non-breeding members of the Harl Butte wolf pack last week.  (One 33-pound wolf pup of the year was unintentionally captured and released.) 

During the past two weeks, the radio-collared wolf in the pack, the breeding male, has been monitored closely to determine if he and other members of the pack altered their behavior and location. Removal of the two wolves, increased human presence in this area and continued use of non-lethal deterrents by livestock producers did not result in a significant change in the pack’s behavior. 

ODFW will continue to monitor the effectiveness of this next removal and  livestock producers will continue non-lethal deterrents including daily human presence, removal of any potential attractants, and hazing.

August 3, 2017 ODFW moves to lethal take for Harl Butte wolves to limit further livestock losses

Department denies request for complete removal of pack; takes incremental approach to disrupt pack behavior

SALEM, Ore.—ODFW wildlife managers intend to remove some of the adult wolves in northeast Oregon’s Harl Butte pack to limit further livestock losses as non-lethal measures and hazing have not been successful in limiting wolf depredations.

On July 28, ODFW received a lethal removal request from several affected livestock producers from a local grazing association after two depredations were confirmed in a five-day period. They asked that the entire Harl Butte pack be removed due to chronic livestock depredation. ODFW has decided to deny the request and will take an incremental approach instead, removing two members of the pack and then evaluating the situation. “In this chronic situation, lethal control measures are warranted,” said Roblyn Brown, ODFW Acting Wolf Coordinator. “We will use incremental removal to give the remaining wolves the opportunity to change their behavior or move out of the area.” More information.

May 23, 2017 Wolf OR42 found dead in northeast Oregon

In early May, ODFW recovered a dead wolf in Wallowa County. The wolf was OR42 and was believed to be the breeding female of the Chesnimnus Pack. A preliminary forensic examination did not identify a cause of death and no foul play is suspected at this time. However, it is still under investigation and additional laboratory tests are being conducted. Two collared subadult wolves remain within the pack and ODFW continues to monitor the situation.

April 11, 2017 ODFW releases its 2016 Wolf Annual Report and a Draft Revised Wolf Management Plan today.

These documents will be presented at the upcoming Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting on April 21 in Klamath Falls. The draft Plan will also be presented at a second Commission meeting on May 19 at the Embassy Suites Portland Airport. Public comment is welcome at both meetings.

The presentation of the updated draft Plan during the April and May meetings is considered informational only; the Draft Plan will not be considered for adoption at these meetings. A date for final consideration and adoption of the Plan has not yet been set.

Comments on the Draft Plan may be provided to or in-person at the meetings.

More information.

March 7, 2017 Eastern Oregon enters Phase III of wolf management
Eight breeding pairs documented

Snake River Pack
Snake River Pack
Snake River pack captured by a remote camera photo taken 2/1/2017 in Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.
- ODFW Photo -

SALEM, Ore.—Eastern Oregon is now in Phase III of wolf management after ODFW staff documented a third year of seven or more breeding pairs in the region east of U.S. Highways 97, 20, 395 for year 2016.

A “breeding pair” is two adult wolves that produce at least two pups that survive through the end of the year. The eight packs that qualify as breeding pairs in 2016 are Meacham and Walla Walla (Umatilla County), Catherine (Union County), and Snake River, Chesnimnus, Wenaha, Minam and a group of unnamed wolves in the Imnaha Wildlife Management Unit (Wallowa County).

“Moving into Phase III is a significant milestone towards the recovery of gray wolves in Oregon,” says Russ Morgan, ODFW wolf biologist. “It shows how successful wolves can be in this state – in just nine years under existing management we have gone from no packs of wolves to multiple packs and an expanding distribution.”

In addition to counting wolves, ODFW biologists have placed 14 radio-collars on wolves this winter in seven groups.  Another milestone was reached on Feb. 24 when OR50 was collared in the Imnaha Wildlife Management Unit, marking the 50th wolf collared in Oregon.  Biologists may soon learn more from the DNA and radio-collar data about whether OR50 is part of a new group of wolves or a pack that shifted its home range into the area previously occupied by the Imnaha pack.  

ODFW completes its annual year-end survey of wolves and announces the results in its 2016 Wolf Annual Report.  The report is set to be presented to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission on April 21 in Klamath Falls.

Western Oregon remains in Phase I of wolf management, with protections that match those implemented when wolves were listed as state endangered.  Wolves also remain listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act west of U.S. Highways 395, 78, 95.

Under the current Wolf Conservation and Management Plan, Phase III continues to focus on conservation of wolves while addressing instances of wolf-human conflict.  This includes continuing to emphasize the use of non-lethal deterrents, the use of controlled take in certain situations, and expands livestock producer options for investigating potential wolf depredations of livestock.

The current Plan states that controlled take of wolves can be allowed in two specific circumstances: 1) if wolves are determined to be causing declines in ungulate populations such as deer and elk or 2) in specific cases of chronic livestock depredation.

“These Phase III provisions do not replace good faith efforts at non-lethal solutions to wolf conflicts,” Morgan says. “Take of wolves can only be considered as a management response in very specific situations and there are no plans for controlled take at this time.”

As we move into Phase III, the current Plan allows either ODFW or USDA Wildlife Services to confirm wolf depredations in Eastern Oregon. The Plan also allows USDA Wildlife Services to continue to assist ODFW with wolf damage management using the skills and experience of both agencies.  Lethal removal of wolves for specific cases of chronic depredation will be decided by ODFW and will continue to be based on a rigorous evidence-based investigation process.  USDA Wildlife Services will not assist in the lethal removal of wolves or expand its role in depredation investigations (including confirming wolf depredations) until it has evaluated its obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act.

ODFW staff are currently working on a routine five-year Wolf Plan review and will present the draft, updated Wolf Plan to the Commission at their April 21 meeting, though final action on the plan is not expected to occur until later in the year.

March 2, 2017 Wolf dies in unintentional take in northeast Oregon

SALEM, Ore.—Wolf OR48, a Shamrock Pack adult male, was found dead on Feb. 26 on private land in northeast Oregon after an unintentional take by the US Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services.

The wolf died after encountering an M-44 device, a spring-activated device containing cyanide powder. The device was in place as part of Wildlife Services operations to control coyotes and prevent coyote-livestock conflict on private land in northeast Oregon.

“The death of this wolf shows the risk involved when wolves are in areas where Wildlife Services conducts these types of operations,” said Doug Cottam, ODFW Wildlife Division administrator. “This is a situation we take seriously and we’ll be working with Wildlife Services with the goal of preventing it from happening again.” 

ODFW and Wildlife Services are evaluating the incident and discussing how to prevent unintentional capture or take of wolves while addressing livestock damage problems.

“Wildlife Services’ specialists care about wildlife and work hard to prevent the unintentional take of animals when addressing human-wildlife conflicts,” said Dave Williams, state director for USDA Wildlife Services in Oregon.  “We have begun an internal review of this incident to see if any changes to our procedures are necessary.”

Wolf OR48 was collared on Feb. 10 of this year in Wallowa County and was part of the Shamrock Wolf Pack. At the time of collaring, he weighed over 100 pounds and was estimated to be just under two years old. Wolf OR48 was not the breeding male of the pack.

Contact info.

February 9, 2017 Annual Report, Draft Management Plan before Commission in April 2017

ODFW staff will present their 2016 Wolf Annual Report and a draft updated Wolf Management Plan to the Commission at their April 21 meeting in Klamath Falls.

Extreme weather in parts of northeast Oregon has delayed field work, including fixed-wing and helicopter flights and on-the-ground surveys of wolves. ODFW staff need additional time to complete their counts.  For this reason, the 2016 Wolf Annual Report, which includes an updated wolf population count and number of breeding pairs, has been delayed from its usual March release date.

ODFW staff will also present a Draft updated version of the Oregon Wolf Management and Conservation Plan at the Commission’s April 21 meeting. The Wolf Plan undergoes a routine review every five years. The presentation will be informational only; the Commission is not expected to adopt a final updated Plan until later in the year. In-person public testimony will be taken at the meeting or send comments to Comments received by April 4 will be included in the Commission information packet.


October 14, 2016 – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service News Release:

$5,000 Reward Offered for Information on Illegal Killing of Gray Wolf Near Summer Lake, Oregon

PORTLAND, Ore. — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person(s) responsible for killing a federally protected gray wolf in south-central Oregon. On Oct. 6, 2016, a radio collared female gray wolf known as OR28 was found dead in the Fremont-Winema National Forest near Summer Lake, Oregon.

It is a violation of the Endangered Species Act to kill a gray wolf, which is listed as endangered in the western two-thirds of Oregon. The incident is being investigated by the Oregon State Police and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The wolf’s carcass is currently at the Service’s National Forensics Laboratory for a necropsy.

Anyone with information about this case should call the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at (503) 682-6131, or Oregon State Police Tip Line at (800) 452-7888. Callers may remain anonymous.

OR3 and a pup of the Silver Lake wolves.
OR3 and a pup of the Silver Lake wolves. Remote camera image taken June 22, 2016 in western Lake County, courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Download high resolution image.

July 28, 2016 Pups for Rogue Pack and new Silver Lake wolves

ODFW and USFWS have confirmed that OR3 (an eight-year-old male originally from the Imnaha pack) has paired up with OR28, a three-year-old GPS radio-collared female originally from the Mt Emily pack. Based on remote camera images, the two are believed to have produced at least one pup in 2016. They are primarily using the Silver Lake Wildlife Management Unit in western Lake County and have been dubbed the Silver Lake wolves. (A group of wolves is designated a pack when there is evidence of a minimum of four wolves traveling together in winter.)

Wolf OR3 dispersed from northeast Oregon’s former Imnaha Pack in 2011, just a few months before more well-known wolf OR7. But unlike OR7, OR3 had a VHS collar not a GPS collar. VHF collars do not automatically transmit location information and wildlife managers lost track of him after the fall of 2011. OR3 made a brief reappearance on a trail camera in the Cascades in northern Klamath County in summer 2015. His radio-collar is no longer functional. It is unknown if OR3 bred before this year. 

Other wolf activity in SW Oregon includes the Rogue Pack, the Keno wolves, and 2 radio-collared wolves (OR25 & OR33). Reproduction has also been confirmed in 2016 for the Rogue Pack, with remote camera photos of two pups. Occasional remote camera photos of wolves are captured in the Keno AKWA. Biologists will continue monitoring activities to learn more about these wolves. OR25 (Klamath Co) and OR33 (Klamath and Jackson Co) are both males dispersed from the Imnaha Pack and are each believed to be traveling alone.

New AKWA designated for Silver Lake wolves

Mar. 31, 2016

UPDATE March 31, 2016: The four wolves of the Imnaha pack associated with recent depredations were shot and killed today by ODFW staff on private land in Wallowa County.

March 31, 2016: Depredations lead to lethal control for wolves in Wallowa County

Feb. 29, 2016 2015 Annual Wolf Report available

Oregon’s known wolf population continued to grow in 2015.  The minimum Oregon wolf population is now 110 wolves, a 36 percent increase over the 2014 population.

ODFW released the 2015 Wolf Report today, after completing late-winter surveys to establish how many wolf packs had bred and the minimum known number of wolves for the year 2015. The department uses hard evidence (tracks, sign, remote camera footage, visual observations) when counting wolves and that is why the population figures are referred to as a minimum known population. Wildlife biologists believe the actual number of wolves is likely higher.

ODFW documented 11 breeding pairs of wolves in 2015, up from nine last year. A breeding pair is an adult male and female wolf that produce at least two pups which survive through the end of the year. (Pups are born in mid-April each year.) Reproduction was confirmed in 14 groups of wolves, and 33 pups born in 2015 are known to have survived through Dec. 31. ODFW also documented three new pairs of wolves. Known wolf groups occurred in parts of Baker, Grant, Jackson, Klamath, Lake, Morrow, Umatilla, Union and Wallowa counties.

“As predicted, Oregon’s wolf population has continued to expand its range and grow in number,” said Russ Morgan, ODFW wolf coordinator. “While northeast Oregon continues to have the highest number of wolves, there is also continued movement of wolves into southern Oregon.”

The rate of depredation of livestock by wolves decreased in 2015 despite the increase in wolf population. ODFW investigations confirmed nine incidents of wolves killing livestock and two probable incidents. A total of 10 sheep, three calves and one working dog were killed by wolves, and another two calves and one lamb were injured. This is down from 11 confirmed incidents and 32 livestock (2 cattle and 30 sheep) lost last year.

A total of 29 percent of Oregon wolf packs were involved in livestock depredation.  The majority of depredations (77%) occurred on private land and most happened during the months of May, June, August, September. The Oregon Department of Agriculture’s Wolf Depredation Compensation and Financial Assistance program distributed $174,428 in grants to 10 counties to proactively address wolf-livestock conflict and compensate landowners who lost animals to wolves. Most funds were used for preventative measures ($119,390) and for direct payment ($14,018) to livestock producers for confirmed losses.

While no wolves were killed by ODFW, agents or landowners due to livestock depredation, ODFW documented seven wolf mortalities in 2015. A five-month-old pup was found dead in the Catherine Pack rendezvous area and appeared to die of natural causes. One wolf that died had a rodent in its stomach and the wolf tested positive for a chemical that is poisonous to animals. The cause of the death of the Sled Springs breeding male and female found dead in August is unknown. Three wolves were illegally shot.

A Baker City man pled guilty to shooting one of the wolves and was fined $2,000 and ordered to forfeit his rifle to the state. The other cases involving illegal activity are still open and anyone with information should call Oregon State Police.

ODFW continued its efforts to monitor Oregon’s wolf population by collaring an additional eight wolves over the year. At the end of 2015 there were collars on 11 percent of Oregon’s wolf population.

To see the full report or learn more about wolves, visit

January 12, 2016 AKWA – updates for Klamath, Lake and Wallowa counties (OR25OR28, Shamrock)

In early November 2015, a 2-year-old radio-collared female wolf dispersed from the Mt Emily pack in Umatilla County. By Nov. 19, OR28 had arrived into the area she has continued to use in the Fort Rock and Silver Lake Wildlife Management Units (WMU) of Klamath and Lake County. ODFW has designated an Area of Known Wolf Activity (AKWA) and has evidence that at least one other wolf is using the area.

In December, OR25 left the AKWA he had been using, traveled south through Oregon and visited California. OR25 has now returned to the same area in Klamath County.

ODFW has designated a new AKWA for a pack in NE Oregon. The Chesnimnus pair previously used the Chesnimnus WMU in Wallowa County. In 2015, the pair denned in the Sled Springs WMU and has not returned to the Chesnimnus WMU. Moving forward the new pack will be named the Shamrock Pack.

AKWAs are created where and when wolves repeatedly use an area over time and become established. To help minimize potential wolf-livestock conflict, livestock producers are encouraged to use preventive measures within AKWAs. More information regarding preventative measures.


November 12, 2015 Wolves delisted under Oregon ESA – No changes in wolf management

Earlier this week, ODFW filed rules with the Oregon Secretary of State that removed wolves from the state Endangered Species List in keeping with the Fish and Wildlife Commission’s decision on Monday, Nov. 9.

The Commission’s decision changed the wolf’s ESA status but it has no other immediate effect on wolf management in Oregon. Wolves are still protected by the Wolf Plan and its associated rules.

Any take of wolves is highly regulated in Oregon and the delisting does not mean additional take is now allowed. Hunters and trappers may not take wolves in Oregon at this time. The Wolf Plan does not allow for general season sport hunting of wolves in any phase of wolf management.

The delisting also does not change the current management of wolf-livestock conflict. In all phases of the Wolf Plan, non-lethal preventive measures are the tools of choice to address wolf-livestock conflict. 

Wolves in the East Zone will continue to be managed under Phase 2 rules, which do not change with the delisting. Wolves in the West Zone are managed under the ESA-like Phase 1 rules until their population also reaches four breeding pairs for three consecutive years. West of Hwys 395-78-95, the gray wolf remains listed on the federal ESA and any take of wolves in this area is regulated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

The decision to delist was a vote of confidence in the Wolf Plan and its continued implementation. “I think the Wolf Plan has been unbelievably successful in bringing together diverse interests,” said Commissioner Bruce Buckmaster during Monday’s meeting. “I believe we have wolves because of the Plan and the forbearance of eastern Oregonians in abiding by the plan. It is incumbent on everybody to continue sticking with the plan. We need to keep everybody at the table.”

“The big message that we got today is people want to protect wolves and that Oregonians love their wildlife,” said Commissioner Holly Akenson.

The Commission also asked ODFW to explore options to increase penalties for unlawfully taking a wolf. They will also ask the Oregon State Legislature to change the state’s ESA law to allow for listing and delisting of species in only a portion of the state in the future. “I think you can see by us asking for increased penalties and future regulations that [the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission] cares about wolves,” said Chair Mike Finley, while urging various interest groups to continue to work together.

For more information, please see ODFW’s Wolf FAQ.

October 16, 2015 OR3 makes appearance in Cascade Mountains, northern Klamath County

OR3, a radio-collared wolf last located September 2011 near Prineville, has appeared again in the Cascade Mountains of northern Klamath County.  OR3 is originally from the Imnaha Wolf Pack and was collared with a VHF radio collar in February 2010. He dispersed from the pack in May 2011.

Unlike GPS collars which automatically provide locations to a computer, VHF collars require wildlife biologists to locate the collar with special telemetry equipment in the field. OR3 was located just a few times since his dispersal, including in the Fossil wildlife management unit in the summer of 2011. At this time, it is expected that his collar is no longer sending out a signal as the time span has exceeded the battery life of the collar.

A private individual captured a picture of a wolf on a trail camera this summer. ODFW confirmed late last week that the photograph was OR3. Little is known about the current status of OR3 but wildlife biologists will attempt to gather more information.

Aug. 3, 2015 Two new Areas of Known Wolf Activity

ODFW has designated two new Areas of Known Wolf Activity (AKWAs). The new areas are a result of two dispersing radio-collared wolves. OR25, originally from the Imnaha Pack, traveled through the Columbia Basin, Southern Blue Mountains, and Northern and Central Cascade Mountains and has been in the Klamath County area (Sprague wildlife management unit) since May. OR30, originally from the Mt. Emily pack, crossed I-84 and has been resident in the Starkey and Ukiah wildlife management units (Union County) since May.

AKWAs are created where and when wolves repeatedly use an area over time and become established. To help minimize potential wolf-livestock conflict, livestock producers are encouraged to use preventive measures within AKWAs. For more information regarding preventative measures.

July 31, 2015 Commission consideration of wolf delisting moved to October, November meetings

The informational briefing and rulemaking for removing gray wolves from the state Endangered Species list have been delayed until the Oct. 9 meeting in Florence and a November meeting tobe held in Salem. These items were originally scheduled for September and October but after consultation with the Chair of the Commission, the decision was made to move the process back due to already full meeting agendas. Commissioners want to provide adequate time for public testimony and discussion during the meetings.

The date for the November meeting will be announced soon on the Commission webpage. Public testimony will be taken at the meetings but can also be emailed to Please make sure to include “Comments on Wolf Delisting Proposal” in the subject line of emails.

Pups of OR7
Photos of OR7's yearlings born in 2014. Photo courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

July 7, 2015

A remote camera captured a series of images of Rogue Pack wolf yearlings (born spring 2014) playing in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest on June 24, 2015. While new pups have not yet been seen, wildlife biologists found pup scat in the area, which confirms the Rogue pack has new pups this year. See the sequence on the USFWS webpage or ODFW’s Oregon Wildlife Viewing Facebook page. Images courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

April 14, 2015

ODFW will present its Biological Status Review of Wolves in Oregon to the Fish and Wildlife Commission at a public meeting next Friday, April 24 in Bend. The report is now available (see Exhibit F).

The Wolf Plan calls for initiating a process to delist wolves from the state Endangered Species Act when Oregon reaches the conservation objective of four breeding pairs for three consecutive years in eastern Oregon. This objective was met in 2014. The Commission will use the Biological Status Review to evaluate whether to move forward with a delisting process.

February 24, 2014

The draft 2014 Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Annual Report (pdf) is available online. It includes the 2014 update for Oregon’s Wolf Population. Nine wolf packs and six new pairs of wolves were documented in Oregon in 2014. Oregon’s minimum known wolf population at the end of 2014 was 77 wolves, including eight breeding pairs.

ODFW staff will brief the Fish and Wildlife Commission on the report at the Friday, March 6 Commission meeting in Salem.

January 27, 2014

Eastern Oregon enters Phase 2 of Wolf Plan after at least seven breeding pairs documented for 2014

2014 Areas of Known Wolf Activity (pdf)

Additional wolf documented in the Keno area

January 13, 2015 New wolf activity in southwest Cascades

ODFW has documented new wolf activity in the southwest Keno Unit (in the southwest Cascades on a mixture of public and private lands).

Evidence of at least one wolf has been collected twice over the last month. This area is in a part of the state where wolves are protected by both the state and federal Endangered Species Act.

Repeated sign of a wolf requires that the agency designate an Area of Known Wolf Activity (AKWA), and ODFW will complete that next week.

The area this new wolf is using lies within the already established AKWA for the Rogue Pack (OR7), but data on OR7 and the Rogue Pack shows no use of this area recently.  The Rogue Pack AKWA will soon be adjusted to reflect its current use area.

Little is known of this new wolf (e.g., sex, age, origin, other wolves) and efforts to gather additional data will be made by both ODFW and US Fish and Wildlife Service. 


December 17, 2014 – New Area of Known Wolf ActivityDesolation Unit

A new Area of Known Wolf Activity (AKWA) has been designated by ODFW in the northern portion of the Desolation Unit (Grant and Umatilla County). On December 15, 2014  tracks of two wolves were documented by ODFW biologists in this new area.  Irregular reports of wolf activity have been received over the past year in this general area of National Forest, and biologists documented two instances of a single wolf earlier in the year.  However, AKWAs are created where and when wolves have become established, meaning repeated use of an area over a period of time by wolves and not simply dispersal of wolves.

At this time, ODFW has little data regarding the specifics of this new pair (i.e., sex, breeding status, and specific use area) and additional surveys will be required to get this information.

September 5, 2014 – Genetic results on OR7’s mate and pups

ODFW received University of Idaho’s report on scat samples collected in May and July. The samples were taken from the area being used by wolf OR7, his female mate and pups in the southwest Cascades. As expected, the samples identified OR7’s mate and two of the pups as wolves. The results do not indicate specifically where OR7’s mate was born, but show that she is related to other wolves in NE Oregon (Snake River and Minam packs). The two pup scats also identified the pups as offspring of OR7 and his new mate.

July 17, 2014 – New wolf activity, depredation in Chesnimnus Unit (Wallowa County)

ODFW has confirmed new wolf activity by previously unconfirmed wolves in the Chesnimnus Unit (Wallowa County). The finding was made last night when an investigation confirmed that a domestic calf was killed by wolves in the Cougar Creek Area, on national forest lands (Wallowa Whitman NF) approximately 30 miles north of Enterprise. ODFW had received irregular reports of wolf activity in this area but this is the first recent information showing evidence of resident activity by  more than a single wolf.

At least two to three wolves were believed to be in the area where the calf was killed. These wolves are not believed to be part of any previously known wolf pack. ODFW is now working to gather more information on these new wolves, including determination of their reproductive status, and will attempt to radio-collar individual wolves in this group.

June 10, 2014 – New Area of Known Wolf ActivityOR26, Unnamed Pack In Mt Emily Unit

A new Area of Known Wolf Activity has been designated by ODFW in the southern portion of the Mt. Emily Unit in Umatilla County. OR26 is a male wolf which was recently captured by ODFW biologists and fitted with a GPS collar. Initial data from this wolf indicates that he is paired and likely has pups, but further field surveys are needed to confirm. Repeated use of the area over a period of time indicates that wolves have become established and are not simply dispersing wolves. However, ODFW has little data regarding the specifics of this group.

June 7, 2014 – Mt. Emily Pack female collared

ODFW successfully trapped and GPS-collared a yearling female (OR28) of the Mt. Emily Pack. The 72-pound black wolf was released in excellent condition and is the first radio-collared wolf in this pack. The Mt Emily Pack was first discovered in 2013 and is comprised of four known adult wolves.  The GPS collar will allow better understanding of the pack’s use area. This marks the 28th radio-collared wolf in Oregon, and is the first wolf collared from this pack.

Pups of OR7
Two of wolf OR7’s pups peek out from a log on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, June 2, 2014. Photo courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

June 4, 2014 – Pups for wolf OR7

Wolf OR7 and a mate have produced offspring in southwest Oregon’s Cascade Mountains, wildlife biologists confirmed this week. In early May, biologists suspected that OR7, originally from northeast Oregon, had a mate in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest when remote cameras captured several images of what appeared to be a black female wolf in the same area. More information

May 12, 2014 Wolf OR7 may have found a mate

OR7, a wolf originally from northeast Oregon, may have found a mate in southwest Oregon’s Cascade Mountains. More information

March 11, 2014

The final 2013 Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Annual Report is available online. It includes the 2013 update for Oregon’s Wolf Population. ODFW documented a minimum of 64 wolves in 8 packs, including 4 breeding pairs for 2013 (compared to 46 wolves in 6 packs with 6 breeding pairs in 2012).

A research section has been added to the wolf webpages. The page is based on the Wolf Literature Review and Research Recommendations presented to the Fish and Wildlife Commission in March 2013. ODFW has also initiated a partnership with Oregon State University to provide a Ph. D. student to study wolf-cougar interactions and wolf predation rates on northeastern Oregon ungulates. This project is expected to be completed in 2018.

Finally, additional wolf photos from 2013 and 2014 have been added to the wolf photo gallery.

February 25, 2014

The draft 2013 Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Annual Report (pdf) is available online. It includes the 2013 update for Oregon’s Wolf Population. ODFW staff will brief the Fish and Wildlife Commission on the report on Friday, March 7 at the Commission meeting in Salem at ODFW Headquarters.

February 4, 2014 New Area of Known Wolf Activity – Unnamed Wolves in Catherine Creek and Keating Units

A new Area of Known Wolf Activity has been designated by ODFW in the southern Catherine Creek Unit and the northern Keating Unit. Tracks of five wolves were first documented by ODFW in late December in the Medical Springs area, after the department followed up a track report from an area landowner.  Since December, the group’s tracks were relocated three times, including last week in northern Baker County.  The repeated use of the area over a period of time indicates that wolves have become established and are not simply dispersing wolves.  However, ODFW has little data regarding the specifics of this group (e.g. origin, reproductive status, homerange). Future monitoring efforts will focus on more location data and radio-collaring.

ODFW Collars OR4 – Again

The breeding male of the Imnaha pack (OR4) was aerially darted and radio-collared by ODFW on Feb. 1, 2014.  The wolf’s previous GPS collar quit functioning in late December and this was the first time the wolf was in an area where he could be safely darted.  The new GPS collar is the fourth applied to this particular wolf. While ODFW would not normally re-collar an individual wolf so many times, this particular wolf’s collar has been helpful with managing depredation in the area.  “ODFW has plenty of location information about the Imnaha pack, but this wolf is important to continue to track in order to assist area livestock producers facing depredation,” said Russ Morgan, ODFW wolf coordinator.

Snake River Pack wolf
A photo of an adult Snake River Pack wolf taken on Dec 17, 2013.
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-


October 28, 2013 Young Umatilla River wolves collared after incidental capture

ODFW biologists radio-collared and released two young wolves in a forested area east of Weston, Ore. on Oct. 26. 

The 55-pound male and a 50-pound female are both young-of-the-year members of the Umatilla River Pack in Umatilla County.  

Both wolves were incidentally trapped on private land by a licensed trapper who was intending to trap coyotes. They were trapped at the same time in two separate foot-hold traps in close proximity. The trapper followed regulations and immediately reported the situation.   

ODFW biologists were able to quickly respond and safely collar and release the wolves. The two wolves are the third and fourth incidental captures recorded in Oregon. In the two previous incidental captures, the trappers also reported the incidents and the wolves were safely released.

The Umatilla River wolves were fitted with lighter-weight GPS collars ideal for younger wolves. These types of collars collect fewer locations than regular GPS collars, but this pack already has a GPS-collared adult providing location data. The GPS collars on these younger wolves should prove most useful when the wolves disperse.

October 16, 2013

ODFW has confirmed a wolf depredation on a calf by the Snake River wolf pack (Wallowa County, Oregon), the first confirmed depredation by this pack.

A summary of the investigation (10/15 Wallowa County)

September 6, 2013 Change to Umatilla River Qualifying Incident

After further review, ODFW has rescinded the decision to qualify the Aug. 23, 2013 confirmed depredation by the Umatilla River pack as a Qualifying Incident under new wolf management rules (OAR 635-110-0010(8)(a-c).

Under the new rules, ODFW needs to develop and post a Conflict Deterrence Plan within 14 days of the first depredation by a pack. In this case, the Umatilla River Pack Conflict Deterrence Plan did not meet the 14-day deadline. The decision does not change the original confirmation that a wolf or wolves were the cause of death of the goat in this instance.

This change reduces the number of Qualifying Incidents for the Umatilla River Pack from two to one. ODFW only considers lethal control for depredating wolves when there are four Qualifying Incidents within a six-month time period.

August 30, 2013 Conflict Deterrence Plan released for Umatilla River Pack  

ODFW has posted the Conflict Deterrence Plan for the Umatilla River Pack. ODFW had many discussions with livestock producers in the Umatilla River Pack area about the appropriate non-lethal measures to minimize conflict with wolves. These discussions led to development of this plan and its provisions are being implemented by many producers already. 

Under new wolf management rules, ODFW and livestock producers are required to develop and publicly disclose Conflict Deterrence  Plans in Areas of Depredating Wolves. The Conflict Deterrence Plan could be updated from time to time based on changing conditions, pack behavior, knowledge about wolf management and comments by landowners, livestock producers and other relevant interests.  To be notified of changes to the Conflict Deterrence Plan, subscribe to receive changes to the Wolf-Livestock section.

August 27, 2013

ODFW has confirmed two additional depredations—an injured cow by the Imnaha pack (8/22/13), and a dead goat by the Umatilla River pack (8/23/13). Investigation summaries for these depredations are posted on the website.

The Umatilla River pack depredation is a “qualifying incident” (see report), meaning the landowner was using appropriate preventative measures to minimize wolf-livestock conflict. (ODFW has rescinded decision to qualify Aug. 23 incident; see Sept. 6 entry above for more information.) ODFW is waiting on information from the livestock producers to determine if the two confirmed Imnaha Pack depredations (from 8/21 and 8/22) are qualifying incidents.

August 23, 2013 Depredation by the Imnaha wolf pack

ODFW has confirmed a depredation by the Imnaha wolf pack

ODFW is working to determine if the depredation counts as a “qualifying incident” toward a lethal control decision. (For a depredation to qualify, the affected landowner must have been using at least one preventive measure and removed all reasonably accessible unnatural attractants on his/her property at least seven days prior to the incident.)  If this depredation qualifies, it will be the third qualifying depredation within the past six months.

Under new rules agreed to in a settlement with conservation groups and the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association earlier this year, ODFW does not consider lethal control before there are at least four qualifying incidents in a six-month time frame.

August 12, 2013 2nd Wenaha wolf has died from parvovirus

Lab results show that a dead Wenaha Pack wolf pup recently found had died as a result of parvovirus. The carcass of the pup was discovered by ODFW on July 30th while staff was conducting routine surveys. This marks the second wolf death attributed to parvovirus in Oregon (the first was a 55-pound female yearling, also from the Wenaha pack, discovered in May 2013). Other apparently healthy pups were observed when the carcass of the pup was found on July 30, so the extent of the disease within this pack is unknown. 

Parvovirus outbreaks have been documented in wolf populations throughout the western United States. In some areas parvovirus has caused short term declines in wolf populations by reducing the number of surviving pups. Long-term effects of the disease are less understood, but are generally not expected to threaten overall conservation of the species (though it may reduce the rate of population growth). ODFW staff will continue to monitor survival of the remaining pups as the year progresses.

Mt. Emily wolf pups
Remote camera photo from July 21, 2013, documenting three pups in the newly formed Mt Emily pack.
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

July 30, 2013 Mt Emily wolves, other wolf packs have pups

ODFW has documented that the two wolves discovered earlier this year in the Mt Emily Unit have reproduced.  Monitoring cameras documented three pups by this pair (photo), though there could be more.  The pair was first found in April 2013 in Union County in the Mt Emily Unit northwest of Summerville, Ore. 

ODFW has now confirmed reproduction in seven known packs this year (Imnaha, Minam, Mt Emily, Snake River, Umatilla River, Walla Walla, and Wenaha), though the exact number of pups is not yet known in all of the packs.

July 19, 2013

On Friday July 12, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission passed new Oregon Administrative Rules to manage wolves in Oregon. The rules reflect the outcome of negotiations between Oregon Wild, Cascadia Wildlands, the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association and ODFW after the settlement of a lawsuit. View the entire new rule.

Changes have been made to the ODFW wolf webpage to inform livestock producers and interested parties about the rule changes and how they affect the use of non-lethal measures to reduce livestock depredation. The Wolves and Livestock section enables individuals to sign up for emails to keep them current on changes to wolf activity maps, conflict deterrence plans and other issues concerning wolf-livestock interactions.

May 30, 2013 Wolf OR19 died from complications of canine parvovirus

Preliminary laboratory results, conducted at Oregon State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, indicate that OR19, the wolf found dead by ODFW biologists on May 19, died of complications of canine parvovirus. The highly contagious and often fatal disease is common among domestic dogs, and can spill over into wild canids such as coyotes, foxes, and wolves. Domestic dogs are normally vaccinated for the disease but wild animals are not. Parvovirus has been documented in wild canids in other areas of the country and most commonly occurs in pups. It is unknown at this time if other wolves in Oregon are affected with the virus, but biologists will continue to monitor for signs of the disease throughout the summer.

This is the first documented case of parvovirus in Oregon wolves, though outbreaks have been well documented in wolf populations throughout the western United States. In some areas it has caused short term declines in wolf populations by reducing the number of surviving pups. Long-term effects are less understood, but are generally not expected to threaten overall conservation of the species (though it may reduce the rate of population growth).

May 28, 2013 Settlement of Oregon Court of Appeals case

In the fall of 2011, ODFW’s authority to take (lethally remove) wolves under the State Endangered Species Act was challenged by a temporary restraining order filed in the Oregon Court of Appeals by Cascadia Wildlands, Oregon Wild and the Center for Biological Diversity.

Over the past year, these three organizations, ODFW and the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association have been in talks to try to settle the case outside of Court. The Center for Biological Diversity withdrew from these negotiations this past winter.

Last week, the remaining parties agreed in principle to a combination of rule changes and legislation that once enacted, will moot the court case. The key changes to the current rules regarding lethal control of wolves are:

  • Before ODFW can use lethal control against wolves, it must confirm four qualifying incidents within a six-month time frame (previously it was two depredation incidents and no specific timeframe).
  • Requires the development and public disclosure of wolf-livestock conflict deterrence plans that identify non-lethal measures for implementation by landowners.
  • Requires that these non-lethal measures be implemented prior to a depredation for the depredation incident to count towards lethal control.
  • Puts in rule that any ODFW lethal control decision is valid for 45-days (previously the timeframe for an ODFW lethal control decision was not standardized in rule; 45 days is consistent with what other western states have implemented).

The new temporary rules are online here. The Fish and Wildlife Commission will be asked to ratify these rules at their June 7 meeting in Tigard and make them permanent at their July meeting. “We are pleased the parties were able to come to an agreement,” said Ron Anglin, ODFW wildlife division administrator. “We look forward to finalizing both the rules and the legislation so the case can be fully settled and we can move forward on wolf conservation and management.”

OR4, breeding male of the Imnaha Pack, photographed by a remote camera on May 18, 2013.
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

May 22, 2013 Minam Pack female collared

On May 16, 2013 ODFW successfully trapped and GPS-collared an adult breeding female of the Minam Pack. The 81-pound wolf was in excellent condition and is the first radio-collared wolf in this pack. The Minam Pack was first discovered in 2012 and early information about the pack suggested that it occurred mostly within the Eagle Cap Wilderness. Managers expect that the GPS collar will allow better understanding of the pack’s use areas. This marks the 20th radio-collared wolf in Oregon.

Confirmed depredations by Imnaha pack

On May 15, 2013 a yearling cow was confirmed by ODFW (pdf) to have been killed by wolves of the Imnaha pack.  Evidence of at least two wolves was found at the site. In addition, GPS locations from OR4’s radio-collar confirmed that OR4 was present. On May 10, 2013 ODFW also confirmed (pdf) that a small calf in the same general area had received wolf bite injuries on a hind leg. The calf was expected to survive. These are the third and fourth confirmed wolf depredation incidents by the Imnaha Pack in 2013.

Loss of collared Wenaha female

On May 11, 2013 a 55-pound yearling female wolf (OR19) from the Wenaha pack was trapped and released with a GPS radio-collar. She was caught in the Sled Springs unit where some members of the Wenaha pack have been located for more than a month. The capture went well and the wolf appeared healthy and unharmed. Following the capture, the movement data from the wolf appeared normal.  However, late on May 17 the collar sent out a mortality message – a message which indicates the collar had been stationary for an extended period of time.  Radio collar mortality signals do not always mean mortality, but on Sunday May 19 ODFW investigated the area and found that the wolf had died. The cause of death is unknown, but we do not suspect foul play at this time.  Even so, the animal is being independently examined in an effort to learn more of the cause of death. 

New pair of wolves in Mt Emily Unit

A new pair of wolves was discovered in the eastern portion of the Mt Emily Unit (Union County) in early April 2013. Field surveys which immediately followed, combined with information shared by area landowners showed that the pair – probably a male and female – visited several private land areas near the Grande Ronde Valley. More recently, however, evidence (tracks) has shown that the pair may have moved to higher elevation forest areas. Continued survey efforts will be conducted to gather more information on the pair.

Sheep depredation in northern Umatilla County

On May 21, ODFW confirmed (pdf) that 6 sheep were depredated by wolves which resulted in four dead (3 lambs, 1 ewe), one injured (ram), and one missing (lamb).  Wolf tracks were found in the pasture of the dead sheep, and radio-collar data showed that at least one wolf of the Umatilla River Pack was in the area on the night of the depredation. Evidence gathered showed a similar pattern of attack as the depredation events in 2012 in this same general area. 

March 18, 2013 Snake River Pack wolves collared

On March 14, ODFW biologists collared and released two wolves from the Snake River pack in a helicopter capture operation. One of them (OR15) had been collared last August as a pup; biologists replaced his VHF collar with a GPS collar. The other wolf, OR18, is a year older than OR15 and was given a GPS collar also. These collars will enable biologists to better track this pack in a remote part of Oregon.

March 13, 2013 Wolf OR7 back in Oregon

Wolf OR7 crossed the state border into southwest Klamath County, Ore. sometime yesterday evening. He first crossed into California on Dec. 28, 2011. More information: and

ODFW does not post daily location information on OR7 or any GPS-collared wolf. Wolves throughout Oregon are protected by the state Endangered Species Act. West of Hwys 395-78-95, wolves are also protected by the federal ESA.

OR7 may cross back into California and use areas in both states. ODFW will continue to monitor his location and coordinate with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Fish and Game.

Minam Wolf
Minam Wolf
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

February 28, 2013 New Imnaha Pack collar; Minam/Upper Minam River determined to be same pack

On Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 ODFW biologists radio-collared a new Imnaha Pack wolf (OR17).  The 76-pound young female wolf was captured inadvertently by a local trapper who immediately notified ODFW when he discovered the wolf. ODFW was able to collar and then safely release the wolf in good condition.

Under Oregon Furbearer Regulations, trappers should contact ODFW immediately if a wolf or other endangered animal is trapped. The trapper did exactly what he was supposed to do in this case.

ODFW has recently added another breeding pair to its 2012 population estimate. Recent winter (February) surveys revealed that the Minam pack has two pups. Also, new genetic evidence from scats collected in January indicate that the Minam and Upper Minam River wolves are from the same pack, hereafter referred to as the Minam Pack. Based on this new information, ODFW is revising its earlier estimate of the Oregon wolf population to six known packs (all breeding pairs) and a total of 46 wolves.

January 29, 2013

ODFW confirmed a livestock depredation by the Imnaha wolf pack yesterday in Wallowa County. Summaries of this investigation and others.

Imnaha Wolf Pup
Imnaha Wolf Pup
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

January 16, 2013 Oregon’s wolf count for 2012

Oregon’s minimum wolf count for 2012 is 53 wolves, including seven packs and at least five breeding pairs. (A pack is four wolves that travel together in winter. A breeding pair is two adult wolves that produce at least two pups that survive through Dec. 31 of the year of their birth.) More information

The Oregon wolf population is determined each winter and is based on wolves that staff has verified through direct evidence (sightings, tracks, remote camera footage). The actual number of wolves in Oregon is likely greater than this minimum estimate, and the 2012 estimate may change as ODFW gains additional information over the winter.


December 19, 2012

On December 19th the yearling wolf OR16, which had recently dispersed from the Walla Walla pack, crossed the Snake River into Idaho. The 85 pound male was captured north of Elgin, Oregon on November 1 and was fitted with a GPS collar which allowed  managers to quickly determine that the young wolf was part of the Walla Walla pack in northern Umatilla County. Dispersal of young  wolves away from their natal pack into new areas is a normal part of wolf ecology and this is the second radio-collared wolf to disperse from Oregon into Idaho.

November 16, 2012 OR16 belongs to Walla Walla Pack

Initial data from OR16 (radio-collared on 11/1/2012) shows that he is a Walla Walla pack wolf.  Satellite downloads show him travelling with OR10, another yearling from the Walla Walla pack.

DNA results for Wenaha samples

DNA analysis of wolf scats in the Wenaha pack territory confirms that OR12  is the breeding male of the Wenaha pack in 2012.   OR12  is the first wolf confirmed to have been born into one pack in Oregon (Imnaha), then dispersed and successfully bred in a different Oregon pack.

-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

November 2, 2012 OR16 radio-collared in Union County

On Thursday, Nov. 1, 2012 ODFW biologists radio-collared a new wolf (OR16) in the Wenaha Unit of Northeast Oregon (Union County). The 85-pound yearling male was captured north of Elgin in an area that wolves were not previously known to occur. The wolf was captured incidentally by USDA APHIS-Wildlife Services personnel. Each year, ODFW issues an Incidental Take Permit to Wildlife Services which contains provisions to minimize the risk of incidental captures and to protect wolves if incidentally captured. The permit requires close coordination between the two agencies and in this situation the result was a successfully collared wolf released in excellent health.  It is unknown at this time if the wolf is part of any of the three known nearby packs (Wenaha, Walla Walla and Umatilla River) or if it represents new wolf activity. Biologists expect that the new GPS collar will soon provide that answer.

Photo of OR16

October 15, 2012

On Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012 ODFW biologists re-captured OR10 from the Walla Walla Pack. The yearling female wolf weighed 73 lbs and was in excellent condition. She had been previously captured as a pup in October of 2011 and was fitted with a VHF telemetry collar at that time.  On this capture her telemetry collar was replaced with a GPS collar which will assist ODFW in gathering much needed location data on this pack.

September 20, 2012 More wolf depredation

ODFW recently investigated two reported wolf depredations in northeast Oregon. One was confirmed as a wolf and one was determined a “probable wolf”.

Summaries of the investigations:

This page defines the criteria for a “probable” wolf determination.   

September 14, 2012 Wolf depredation investigations

ODFW investigated two reported wolf depredations earlier this week—one in Wallowa, one in Union County. The one in Wallowa County was found to be a “probable” wolf depredation while the one in Union County was determined “possible/unknown.”

The summary reports also defines the “probable” and “possible/unknown” determinations.

September 10, 2012 – Pups for Walla Walla pack

ODFW confirmed pups for the Walla Walla Pack on Friday, Sept. 7 when ODFW monitoring cameras documented two black pups travelling with the pack in the upper Walla Walla River drainage. Though reproduction was expected for this pack, it had not been confirmed until Friday. The two radio-collared yearlings (OR10 and OR11) were also documented to still be with the pack. This brings the minimum known size of the Walla Walla pack to 10 wolves (8 adults, 2 pups). It also brings the known number of reproducing wolf packs in NE Oregon to six.

ODFW also recently confirmed additional livestock losses by the Imnaha wolf pack. Details at the links below:

August 30, 2012 – New Upper Minam River wolf pack

A new wolf pack was discovered by ODFW wolf program staff in northeast Oregon on Aug. 25 when a pair of gray-colored adult wolves with five gray pups was observed in the Upper Minam River drainage. ODFW has received irregular wolf reports in the general larger area over the past several years.  ODFW had been monitoring wolf activity in the Lower Minam River area since a photo of a black lactating female was taken on June 4. However, these new wolves appear to be unrelated to the lactating female as they were all gray-colored. The home range of these newly discovered wolves is unknown at this time, but represents the fifth litter of pups documented in 2012.

Umatilla River wolf pups
Umatilla River wolf pups
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

August 15, 2012 – Umatilla River wolves  

Pictures taken Aug. 2, 2012 from an ODFW remote camera show that there are at least two wolf pups with the Umatilla River pair. With four individuals in the group, it is now considered a pack.

August 9, 2012 – Wenaha Pack pup count

ODFW surveyed the Wenaha pack on Aug 9, 2012 and was able to document seven pups for the pack.

Second wolf in Sled Springs Unit

A second wolf (black) has been confirmed by ODFW in the Sled Springs unit.  Surveys will continue in this area and hunter reports may help us learn more about local wolf activity as the fall progresses.

July 20, 2012 – Photo captured of wolf in Sled Springs Unit

Sled Springs Wolf
Sled Springs Wolf
-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

An image of one wolf was taken by ODFW on July 20, 2012 in the Washboard Ridge area north of Enterprise (Sled Springs Wildlife Management Unit, Wallowa County). Tracks of two wolves were confirmed in this area over the winter and spring, so this may be an area of resident wolf activity. 

Summary of genetic results from recently tested wolf samples in NE Oregon.

  • A scat collected in the Chesnimnus unit (Devils Run area) on May 2, 2012 was from a wolf that was born in the Wenaha Pack.  It is unknown if the wolf is resident in the Chesnimnus unit or was simply passing through the area.  It is possible that this is the wolf using the Sled Springs unit (mentioned above).
  • OR12 (Wenaha Pack, captured on April 2, 2012) is progeny of the Imnaha pack (OR2 and OR4). OR12 is believed to be the breeding male for the Wenaha Pack and ODFW is currently testing Wenaha pup scats to confirm.
  • The pups captured and collared last fall in the Walla Walla Pack (OR10 and OR11) are full siblings and are not closely related to any other Oregon wolves sampled to date.

July 19, 2012 – Eagle Cap Wilderness wolf

In late June, ODFW surveyed an area east of the Minam River in the Eagle Cap Wilderness after a remote camera took an image of a lactating female on June 4.  At least three adult wolves were confirmed through tracks, scats and howls but no sign of pups was found. A later visit on July 19 found no wolf sign or remote camera photos, so the wolves are believed to have moved out of this immediate area.

July 08, 2012 – Imnaha pack pup count

The Imnaha Pack has at least six pups this year, a July 8 survey on US Forest Service lands southeast of Joseph found. There may be more pups but this is the most up-to-date number for the pack. (See photo of pups)  

Umatilla River wolf pair have pups

ODFW surveys also confirmed that the Umatilla River wolf pair have pups. Multiple tracks were found during a summer survey but the exact number of pups is still unknown.

July 03, 2012 – ODFW successfully captured and radio-collared a wolf of the Snake River Pack

ODFW successfully captured and radio-collared a wolf of the Snake River Pack yesterday (Aug. 2, 2012), the first collar for this pack. The 49-lb male pup was in excellent condition and was of  a size which could easily handle the lightweight VHF collar. The collar will allow ODFW to monitor the pack in this remote portion of Oregon.

Snake River Wolf Pack Howling
-Video by ODFW-

July 01, 2012 – Pups and wolf howling video for Snake River pack

The Snake River pack has at least three pups, a July 25, 2012 survey found. Photos taken by remote camera also show at least three adults in the pack.

During this survey in the Summit Ridge area of the Snake River wildlife management unit in Wallowa County, an ODFW employee also captured video footage of one of the pups howling and other members of the pack returning the howl. See the video here. Wolves are highly social animals and howling is a common behavior that helps packs communicate and stay together. Wolf howls can be heard from several miles away.

July 27, 2012 – Depredation by Imnaha Pack

Yesterday evening, ODFW investigated a severely injured calf on a national forestland grazing allotment in the Morgan Butte area (Wallowa County) and has confirmed it as a wolf depredation (Imnaha Pack). The cattle in this forested area had been moved earlier yesterday and the calf was believed to have been attacked during the daytime following that move. This morning the calf is alive but is not expected to survive due to its injuries.  An investigation summary will be posted next week.

June 27, 2012 – New wolf activity (lactating female) in Eagle Cap Wilderness

On June 25, ODFW received a trail-cam photograph of a lactating female wolf in the Eagle Cap Wilderness. The image was captured on June 4 on a camera placed by a research biologist as part of another wildlife research project. The wolf was not in an area of known wolf activity (e.g. is not believed to be part of a known wolf pack). The photo clearly shows that reproduction has occurred, but the current location and number of wolves in this area is unknown at this time. ODFW will survey the area to try and gather additional information.

-Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

June 20, 2012 – OR14 GPS collared

OR14, a wolf using the northern Mt Emily wildlife management unit, was GPS collared by ODFW in the Weston Mountain area north of the Umatilla River on June 20. The gray-colored male wolf weighed 90 pounds and was estimated to be at least 6 years old. The collared wolf is believed to be responsible for the early May depredations of sheep in the area. The new collar will allow ODFW to better understand his movements and use additional tools to help prevent further depredation. It will also help ODFW communicate with area livestock producers about his whereabouts. OR14 is one of two known adult wolves in the area, and though reproduction is suspected, ODFW has not yet confirmed pups for these wolves.

June 10, 2012 – Wenaha wolf OR13 collared

ODFW trapped OR-13, a 2-year-old wolf of the Wenaha pack, and fitted her with a GPS radio-collar on June 10. The black female weighed 85 pounds and was captured in the Wenaha Wildlife Management Unit. She was previously caught as a pup in August 2010, but at the time was too small for a radio collar.

May 30, 2012 – Imnaha, Wenaha packs have pups

Biologists observed at least four pups in the Wenaha pack on May 30. In June, reproduction was also confirmed in the Imnaha pack, with a minimum of four pups observed.

ODFW changed from a monthly reporting format to Wolf Program Updates.

January 2012 Wolf Update (pdf)

2011 (pdfs)

2011 Annual Report – Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan

December 2011 Wolf Update

November 2011 Wolf Update

October 2011 Wolf Update

September 2011 Wolf Update

August 2011 Wolf Update

July 2011 Wolf Update

June 2011 Wolf Update

May 2011 Wolf Update

April 2011 Wolf Update

March 2011 Wolf Update

February 2011 Wolf Update

January 2011 Wolf Update

Evaluating wolf
Russ Morgan, ODFW Wolf Coordinator, and Allison Field, OSU student, evaluating captured wolf. Aug. 4, 2010.
- Oregon Fish and Wildlife-
Mark Henjum radio collars wolf
Umatilla National Forest Biologist Mark Henjum fits a new radio collar to the wolf. Aug. 4, 2010.
- Oregon Fish and Wildlife-

2010 (pdfs)

December 2010 Wolf Update

November 2010 Wolf Update

September-October 2010 Wolf Update

November 2009-January 2010 Wolf Update

2010 Oregon information from report (pdf)

US Fish and Wildlife Service: Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2010 Interagency Annual Report

2009 (pdfs)

October-November 2009 Wolf Update

August-September 2009 Wolf Update

July 2009 Wolf Update

June 2009 Wolf Update

April - May 2009 Wolf Update

March 2009 Wolf Update

February 2009 Wolf Update

January 2009 Wolf Update

2009 Oregon information from report (pdf)

US Fish and Wildlife Service: Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2009 Interagency Annual Report


2006-2008 (pdfs)

December 2008 Wolf Update

November 2008 Wolf Update

ODFW March 7, 2007 testimony to USFWS on federal delisting

Wolf Management Plan - 2006 Annual Report


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