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Compass: Mapping Oregon’s wildlife habitats - Data Documentation and Download

Northern Meadowlark
Summer Steelhead





Compass data layers are provided within the “DATA” tab, organized by data themes, or categories. All available layers provide access to more information and options by selecting the “information” button next to each data layer: download datasets to work in your own system, view dataset documentation (metadata), access data source materials, view WMS code for developer applications, and connect to the Oregon Conservation Strategy.

Base Data

These layers provide context and locational information to a mapping project, with access to many political, hydrologic, and other boundaries and landscape information. Some layers (Hydrologic Units, ODOT Roads and Transportation) provide additional detail as the map is zoomed into a specific location.

Crucial Habitat Assessment

ODFW crucial habitat layers were developed using multiple data sources, various aggregation methodologies, and classifications which are intended to reflect agency priorities. All layers are categorized and assigned a priority rank of 1 through 6. The highest score of 1 indicates the most crucial habitat. A value of ‘9999’ indicates that no data were available.

Note that any data input layer may be updated in future versions of this analysis and these results are intended for initial planning and research purposes only. Results for all layers are limited by the accuracy, precision and scale of input data used and may be influenced by the level of survey efforts at a given location.

Documentation for each crucial habitat layer includes:

  • Layer definition
  • Aggregation methods
  • Priority rank definitions
  • Input layer definitions
  • Data sources

Compiled Crucial Habitat
Terrestrial Crucial Habitat
Aquatic Crucial Habitat
Terrestrial Species of Concern
Aquatic Species of Concern
Wetland and Riparian Areas
Terrestrial Species of Economic and Recreational Importance
Natural Vegetation Communities
Large Natural Areas
Landscape Connectivity
Freshwater Integrity

Strategy Conservation Opportunity Areas

Presented within the Oregon Conservation Strategy, Conservation Opportunity Areas (COAs) are places where broad fish and wildlife conservation goals would best be met. This layer provides the official boundary to determine if your area of interest lies within an ODFW COA. Selecting a COA brings up a link to the COA profile, which includes detailed information on recommended conservation actions, current local conservation actions and plans, potential partners, additional special features about the area, and lists of Strategy Species and Habitats.

Strategy Habitats

Strategy Habitats are habitats of conservation concern within Oregon that provide important benefits to Strategy Species. There are 11 Strategy Habitats within the Oregon Conservation Strategy, designated by ecoregion. Compass Strategy Habitat layers provide the modeled habitat distribution of each habitat, or the ability to view all habitats in one layer. More information on how these habitats were mapped is available in the Technical Supporting Document: Methodology for Updating the Strategy Habitat Map.

Strategy Key Conservation Issues

Key Conservation Issues are large-scale conservation issues or threats that affect or potentially affect many species and habitats over large landscapes throughout the state. There are 7 Key Conservation Issues discussed in the Oregon Conservation Strategy. Compass provides the best available spatial representations of these Issues:

Strategy Species

The Conservation Strategy identifies 294 Strategy Species, which are Oregon’s “Species of Greatest Conservation Need”. Strategy Species are defined as having small or declining populations, are at-risk, and/or are of management concern. Compass provides access to available species distribution models for terrestrial wildlife species, which were developed and are provided by the USGS GAP; as well as species planning maps, such as the ODFW Sage-Grouse Core Areas.

Strategy Reporting Tool

The Oregon Conservation Strategy Reporting Tool provides an initial overview of Strategy components within a user generated area of interest. Data for this tool has been compiled from several sources, including those datasets listed within the Crucial Habitat input layers Terrestrial Species of Concern and Aquatic Species of Concern, Oregon Conservation Strategy Habitat map, Oregon Conservation Strategy Conservation Opportunity Areas, and species habitat models developed by the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center.


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