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Compass: Mapping Oregon’s wildlife habitats - An online data and planning tool

Northern Meadowlark
Summer Steelhead





ODFW’s online fish and wildlife habitat map charts Oregon’s crucial landscapes

Welcome to Compass, the Centralized Oregon Mapping Products and Analysis Support System. This online system of maps helps you make informed land use decisions related to fish and wildlife habitats as you plan energy, transportation, conservation and other large projects. Compass also provides access to spatial representations of Oregon Conservation Strategy components.

The easy to use mapping tool helps to conserve landscapes crucial to the health of fish and wildlife by providing spatial information on species, habitats and natural resources. New users are encouraged to try the Compass Tutorial, which can be access in the bottom left corner of the Compass map.

  • Explore: Access crucial habitat maps highlighting high priority terrestrial and aquatic species and habitats, Oregon Conservation Strategy Species and Habitat distribution models, and many other layers.
  • Save time: This non-regulatory mapping system helps you identify potential issues—species of concern or winter range habitat, for example—in advance of the permitting process.
  • Conserve: Conserve habitats by reviewing spatial information on natural resources and identifying potential impacts and opportunities within your assessment.
  • Align: Compass incorporates the issues and guidance provided by the Oregon Conservation Strategy, and provides a spatial representation of many specific Strategy components. Use the Strategy Reporting Tool to produce customized reports of documented Strategy components within a project area.

Examples of data layers

  • Terrestrial and Aquatic Species of Concern
  • Terrestrial Species of Economic and Recreational Importance
  • Wetlands and Riparian Areas
  • Freshwater Integrity (recently updated to include more local knowledge)
  • Oregon Conservation Strategy layers:
    • Key Conservation Issues: Fish Passage Barriers, Renewable Energy Resources, Streamwater Flow Restoration Needs, etc.
    • Strategy Habitat Distribution Models
    • Strategy Species Distribution Models and Plans: ODFW Sage-Grouse Core Areas
    • Conservation Opportunity Areas
  • Other ODFW datasets: Big Game Winter Range, Vector Control Guidance Data
  • Access to real-time data provided by partner agencies such as fires and stream gauges


ODFW Compass provides coarse-scale, non-regulatory fish and wildlife information, and crucial habitat layers emphasize areas documented as containing important natural resources. Compass is intended to support early planning for large-scale land-use, development, or conservation projects, and most layers do not provide detailed information on site-specific locations or streams.

The data and analyses within Compass are based on best available information at the time of aggregation, and are expected to be updated regularly. Users of this data are encouraged to check here for data updates, and use the provided documentation to better understand the results and methodologies presented. Additionally, many Compass layers contain links to download data, view specific data layer documentation, access data sources, and connect to the Oregon Conservation Strategy for more information.


Compass was developed in cooperation with the Western Governors' Association Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool (WGA CHAT), launched in December 2013. Created by state wildlife agencies across the West, it uses a common framework to define "Crucial Habitat.” In March, 2015 the WGA CHAT was transitioned to the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and is now available. Primary funding of the project was provided by the US Department of Energy, with additional funds from the Bureau of Land Management and in-kind contributions by ODFW.

In September, 2016 a significant upgrade to Compass was released by ODFW. Development for this upgrade was completed by Ecotrust, alongside the development of


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