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Rogue-South Coast Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan

The Rogue–South Coast Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan (RSP) was developed to guide management of steelhead, coho salmon, and cutthroat trout in coastal watersheds of southwest Oregon from the Elk River south to the Winchuck River, including the Rogue Basin. The primary purpose of the plan is to ensure the continued viability and conservation of the Rogue–South Coast winter steelhead, summer steelhead, coho salmon, and coastal cutthroat trout Species Management Units (SMUs) so that they provide substantial ecological and societal benefits. The plan also provides the framework for maintaining and enhancing fishing opportunities while minimizing risk from harvest and hatchery programs.

The plan was developed using a lengthy public process which included: a series of meetings with two Stakeholder Teams; Habitat Work Group meetings; coordination with four federally recognized tribes and the National Marine Fisheries Service; independent science review; a public comment period, including three public open house meetings; and review and approval by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. The RSP was approved by the Commission on December 17, 2021.

Of the four SMUs covered in the RSP, only coho salmon are listed under the federal Endangered Species Act and require status improvement to ensure viability. For the other SMUs, management is directed toward reducing long-term conservation risk and increasing societal benefits (including robust fisheries). Climate and ocean change pose a risk to the long-term persistence of plan species; the plan describes how this risk varies among plan species and populations and identifies actions needed to improve resilience. Focusing habitat protection and restoration resources on the right actions in the right places at the right scale is the key to achieving plan goals and reducing risk from climate and ocean change. Outreach is a critical component of the plan and will be used to involve other entities and the public in actions that benefit native fish and fisheries, and to communicate outcomes of plan implementation.

Species/Units covered

  • Winter steelhead (Rogue–South Coast SMU)
  • Summer steelhead (Rogue SMU)
  • Coho salmon (Rogue–South Coast SMU; portion of Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast ESU)
  • Coastal cutthroat trout (Rogue–South Coast SMU)


Dan Van Dyke 541-826-8774,
Steve Mazur 541-247-7605,

Annual Implementation Reports (pdfs)
Implementation Documents
Final Documents

Final RSP (pdfs)

Oregon Administrative Rules


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