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Native Fish Conservation Policy

The Native Fish Conservation Policy (pdf) was adopted in Nov. 2002 with interim criteria added in Sept. 2003. The purpose of the Policy is to ensure the conservation and recovery of native fish. The Policy will be implemented through the development of conservation plans adopted by the OFW Commission.

The Policy identifies three goals:

  1. Prevent the serious depletion of native fish.
  2. Maintain & restore naturally produced fish in order to provide substantial ecological, economic and cultural benefits to the citizens of Oregon.
  3. Foster & sustain opportunities for fisheries consistent with the conservation of naturally produced fish & responsible use of hatcheries.
ODFW shall manage for sustainability of naturally produced native fish at the level of the species management unit (SMU) – a collection of populations from a common geographic region that share similar genetic & ecological characteristics. Conservation plans shall be based on the concept that locally adapted populations provide the best foundation for maintaining and restoring sustainable naturally produced native fish.

Conservation plans shall illustrate a range of options for recovery strategies, fisheries and the responsible use of hatchery produced fish. Conservation plans will address the following elements:
  1. Identification of the SMU & the constituent populations.
  2. Description of the desired biological status.
  3. Description of the current status.
  4. Assessment of the primary factors causing the gap between current & desired status and identify those that can be managed.
  5. Description of short- and long-term management strategies to address the limiting factors.
  6. Description of monitoring, evaluation & research necessary to gauge the success of strategies & resolve uncertainties.
  7. A process for modifying strategies based on monitoring, evaluation and research results.
  8. Measurable criteria indicating significant deterioration in status, triggering plan modification.
  9. Annual & long-term reporting requirements to document data, departures from plan & evaluations necessary for adaptive management – in a format available to the public.
  10. Description of potential impacts to other native fish species

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