Current Lake County map (pdf)
Previous Lake County maps: 4/15/2024, 12/31/2023, 12/31/2022, 12/31/2021 (pdfs)
Within Areas of Known Wolf Activity (AKWA) certain preventative measures are recommended to minimize wolf-livestock conflicts. Though not required, non-lethal measures are important to reduce depredation. If depredation becomes chronic and lethal control become necessary, ODFW’s ability to lethally remove depredating wolves will be dependent on the extent that non-lethal measures have been used and documented. Wolves in Lake County are currently listed as endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act, so all management related to harassment and take of wolves is regulated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, not ODFW.
Click on each wolf group for more information:
Under Phase I management, when ODFW confirms wolf depredation of livestock, an Area of Depredating Wolves (ADW) is designated for the purpose of focusing non-lethal deterrent measures. In some cases, the ADW may encompass the entire home range of a pack, but in others, it may only encompass a portion. Within an ADW, certain criteria must be met for an incident of depredation to qualify toward lethal control, see the West Wolf Management Zone page for more information. An area specific wolf-livestock conflict deterrence plan (CDP) is also prepared for an area designated to be an ADW. The CDP will help livestock producers identify the appropriate non-lethal measures which are effective in a given circumstance.
Current Gearhart Mountain ADW map (pdf)
Current Gearhart Mountain Area Wolf-Livestock Conflict Deterrence Plan (pdf)
Previous LAS13/OR115 AKWA maps (for reference only): 02/03/2022, 11/12/2021, 11/05/2021, 02/10/2021 (pdfs);
Previous LAS13/OR115 ADW maps: 2/3/2022, 11/12/2021 (pdf);
Previous LAS13 Wolf-Livestock CDP: 2/4/2022, 11/12/2021 (pdf)
April 15, 2024 – In 2023, the Gearhart Mountain Pack produced at least two pups that survived until the end of the year. However, the breeding female died prior to the end of the year so the group was not counted as a breeding pair. A total of seven wolves were documented during the winter count.
April 18, 2023 – The pair previously named LAS13/ OR115 produced pups, the group is now designated the Gearhart Mountain Pack. The Gearhart Mountain Pack produced 3 pups that survived until the end of the year and was counted as a breeding pair.
April 19, 2022 – In 2021, two wolves, LAS13 and OR115, were documented in the area during the winter count and were not counted as a breeding pair.
February 11, 2021 – A new AKWA has been designated in portions of Lake, Klamath, and Deschutes Counties. LAS13M, a male wolf traveling alone, dispersed from the Lassen Pack in California in late 2020. If the wolf leaves the area, the AKWA will be removed.
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February 9, 2024 – A new AKWA has been designated in southwestern Lake County. Two gray wolves have been documented together in this area on multiple occasions during 2023.
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April 15, 2024 – In early 2024, OR135, a female from the Lookout Mountain Pack, established a resident use area north of Fort Rock. A second wolf was later detected with OR135.
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August 23, 2024 - In early 2024, two wolves were documented using the area north of Yamsay Mountain. An AKWA has been designated now that resident use and reproduction have been confirmed.
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