Current Crook County map (pdf)
Previous Crook County maps: 9/8/2023 (pdf)
Within Areas of Known Wolf Activity (AKWA) certain preventative measures are recommended to minimize wolf-livestock conflicts. Though not required, non-lethal measures are important to reduce depredation. If depredation becomes chronic and lethal control become necessary, ODFW's ability to lethally remove depredating wolves will be dependent on the extent that non-lethal measures have been used and documented. Wolves in Crook County are currently listed as endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act, so all management related to harassment and take of wolves is regulated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, not ODFW. Wolves in Crook County are currently listed as endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act, so all management related to harassment and take of wolves is regulated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, not ODFW.
Click on each wolf group for more information:
OR131 also spends time in Harney County. See Harney County AKWA for more information.