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ODFW Wildlife Student Internship Program

The ODFW wildlife intern program provides valuable training experiences to college students entering the field of wildlife management, while assisting with a variety of headquarters and district activities. Interns assist wildlife area, habitat crew, headquarters, and district wildlife staff performing daily management activities such as population surveys, wildlife captures, and responding to public inquiries. Interns may also participate in the wolf management program, wildlife research program, and conservation strategy implementation.

Most internships occur during the summer quarter, which in Oregon is mid-June to mid-September. However, depending on need, internships can start as early as May, and they may occasionally be offered in the fall as well. Internships are 400 hours (10 weeks or 2.3 months) in duration. The position is classified as a Student Professional/Technical Worker (0150) with an hourly rate of $18.57. In some cases, temporary housing is provided.

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