Current OR30 AKWA map (pdf)
Within Areas of Known Wolf Activity (AKWA) certain preventative measures are recommended to minimize wolf-livestock conflicts. Though not required, non-lethal measures are important to reduce depredation. If depredation becomes chronic and lethal control become necessary, ODFW’s ability to lethally remove depredating wolves will be dependent on the extent that non-lethal measures have been used and documented. Information about specific wolf-livestock conflicts can be found on the Wolf and Livestock Updates page.
Previous OR30 AKWA maps (for reference only – see above for current map)
• 6/24/2016 (pdf)
• 6/9/2016 (pdf)
• 2/29/2016 (pdf)
• 8/3/2015 (pdf)
April 10, 2017 – OR30 has been observed with a different wolf than he was found with in January 2016. The new pair is now resident in the northern Starkey and Ukiah Units south of I-84.
June 28, 2016 – Since May 2016, radio-collar locations show OR30 primarily using a large area in the Starkey and Ukiah Units that he also frequented in summer 2015. He also infrequently visit the Mt Emily Unit and is believed to be alone.
March 4, 2016 – From the 2015 Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Annual Report
OR30 dispersed from the Snake River Pack, and spent much of 2015 in the Mt Emily, Starkey and Ukiah Units. In December, OR30 was observed with another wolf in the area formerly used by the Umatilla River Pack.
August, 2015 – OR30 is a male wolf that was collared in February, 2015 in the Mt Emily Wildlife Management Unit. He crossed I-84 and established a resident use area in the Starkey and Ukiah WMUs in May, 2015.