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State Wildlife Action Plan Revision (The Oregon Conservation Strategy)

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The Oregon Conservation Stragegy

ODFW is in the process of revising the State Wildlife Action Plan, currently known as the Oregon Conservation Strategy (OCS).

States are required to complete a comprehensive review and revision of their SWAP at least every 10 years to remain eligible for State and Tribal Wildlife Grants. These grants are a major funding source for conservation in Oregon.

ODFW must complete this process by October 1, 2025.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us directly. Click here to: Send the SWAP/OCS Revision Team an email.

State Wildlife Action Plan Revision Comment Form


Latest Updates

  • Species Meeting - Kicking off the Species Technical Track. Feb. 7, at 1:30 p.m. Click Here to join the meeting. A virtual conversation for technical partners about our plan to update species information and how your feedback will inform the final version of the SWAP. We will also discuss future opportunities for taxon-specific workgroups.

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    +1 503-446-4951,,287296271# United States, Portland
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  • For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN

  • OR SWAP Assessed Species (xlsx)

    This spreadsheet presents species that have been assessed for listing as 2026 Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). This is a draft, and some species are still under review.

    Please review this list in preparation for the species tracks. We anticipate that species focused meetings will be the first tracks offered, and we will provide an update with more information when available. Once we schedule a species meeting, we will be soliciting review of listing outcomes, additional information that could support changing the outcome, and additional information on threats and conservation actions for species.

  • Oregon SWAP Beaver FAQ (pdf)

    We recognize the importance of beaver in restoration of landscapes across Oregon, and the subsequent benefits to multiple Species of Greatest Conservation Need. In parallel with ODFW’s  3-Year Action Plan For Beaver-Modified Landscapes (2023), we aim to elevate the importance of beaver throughout the State Wildlife Action Plan during the current revision process, improve communication about benefits of beaver, and provide resources and tools for identifying priority actions where beaver can play a role in the conservation of Oregon’s fish and wildlife species. This document summarizes all of the ways that beaver and their critical work will appear in the Action Plan. We hope you'll join us in reviewing the sections referenced in these documents if you have a particular interest in beavers.

  • We are in currently in the process of drafting revisions to each section of the plan. As a part of this process, ODFW is conducting technical review with staff and experts as draft sections are completed to ensure the final product is complete and comprehensive.

  • We will address your comments and continue to edit materials before submitting to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service no later than October 1, 2025.

  • The updated version of the SWAP will include changes to the Species list, Key Conservation Issues, and recommended conservation actions.

How to Participate in the SWAP Revision Process

The State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) helps protect fish and wildlife species by identifying threats and conservation actions as well as outlining strategies to preserve habitats, restore ecosystems, and address the needs of at-risk species. The plan also suggests actions that our partners across the state can take to support collective conservation action. ODFW is tasked with the protection and enhancement of populations of all fish and wildlife, but with the diversity of species and habitats and magnitude of threats on the landscape ODFW can't do it all alone. This revision builds on the success of the 2006 and 2016 versions of the SWAP (the Oregon Conservation Strategy) and modernizes content to ensure that emerging risks and new information are represented. 

Updating Oregon's SWAP began in 2023 with review of the 2016 SWAP and initial scoping of needed updates and opportunities to enhance the SWAP. In early 2024 ODFW launched a public online survey, which guided ODFW to the areas in most need of update. Since then, ODFW staff have worked with technical experts around the state on a first draft of a revised plan. Beginning in January 2025, it is time to give ODFW your review and feedback. Your input will help ensure that the 2025 SWAP will be the best tool for Oregon to reach our goal of maintaining healthy fish and wildlife populations by protecting and restoring habitats, preventing declines of at-risk species, and reversing declines where possible. 

Partnership is critically important to successful conservation, and we believe that your participation and feedback during the revision process is essential to Oregon's success.


Topic-specific virtual meetings will be hosted to review and discuss proposed content with our partners. During the meetings, ODFW staff will lead participants through proposed updates and will solicit feedback on the revised content. Meeting participants will be able to make comments, ask questions, and discuss proposed changes to the SWAP during the sessions. 

Who should attend?  
Anyone with an interest in achieving the goals of the SWAP, providing technical feedback to enhance the validity of the SWAP, improving the quality of materials presented within the SWAP and ensuring that the best available science is incorporated.

How do I attend?
Meeting links and recordings will be posted here. These meetings will be recorded and saved online for future participation.

Additional technical meeting details will be added here as they are scheduled.


Interested in learning more about the SWAP and how you can share your thoughts? Join ODFW for a series of public sessions where we will cover the basics of Oregon's fish and wildlife species, the challenges that face Oregon's fish, wildlife and their habitats, and how you can help make a difference. Public engagement sessions will begin in March 2025.


We will continue to provide ways to communicate with ODFW staff directly through the revision email address ( and this revision website


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   © ODFW. All rights reserved. This page was last updated: 01/31/2025 2:47 PM