Back to Waterfowl Stamp Art Competition
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The Winner
Ring-necked Duck
by Jeffrey Klinefelter of Etna Green, IN |
Runners Up
Barrow’s Goldeneye
by Cynthie Fisher of Hamilton, MT |
Ring-necked Duck
by Buck Spencer of Junction City, OR |
WF-201 Barrow's Goldeneye
by Erin MacAdams |
WF-202 Barrow's Goldeneye
by Kristy Ren |
WF-203 Ring-necked Duck
by Frank Dolphens |
WF-205 Barrow's Goldeneye
by Diane Ford |
WF-206 Barrow's Goldeneye
by Ray Easton |
WF-207 Ring-necked Duck
by Chris Goins |
WF-208 Ring-necked Duck
by Kathy Peckham |
WF-209 Barrow's Goldeneye
by Ryan Kniss |
WF-211 White-winged Scoter
by Roberta Wise |
WF-212 Ring-necked Duck
by Roberta Wise |
WF-213 Ring-necked Duck
by Dee Hendrix |