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Hoot owl angling restrictions lifted on Rogue and Illinois rivers

Thursday, August 26, 2021

GOLD BEACH, Ore – ODFW lifted the temporary 2 p.m. angling closure on the Rogue and Illinois rivers now that water temperatures normalized for the season. Beginning August 25, angling opportunity on the Rogue between Lobster Creek and Hog Creek and the Illinois River between the mouth and Collier Creek return to zone regulations.

Augmentation flows on the Rogue are in place and will go into September. During the hoot owl closure that began July 1, salmon and steelhead continued to migrate upstream, and Huntley Park monitoring indicates a very good return of wild and hatchery summer steelhead and half-pounders with numbers already above the 10-year average. ODFW staff and partners with the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service monitored salmon and steelhead at tributary mouths and on floats between Graves Creek and Foster Bar and no significant loss was observed. ODFW will continue to monitor water temperatures and condition of fish moving through the lower Rogue.

Anglers should continue to practice good catch and release techniques on wild summer steelhead which must be released unharmed. Check the Southwest Zone of ODFW’s Recreation Report for updated fishing conditions and regulations.


Contact: Steve Mazur, 541-247-7605,
Dan Van Dyke, 541-857-2409,
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