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ODFW public meetings will outline new process for anglers to propose fishing regulations

Jan. 3, 2012

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. –ODFW staff will outline a new process by which anglers can propose new or modified fishing regulations for 2013 at the public meeting to be held Jan. 11 in Klamath Falls.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the OSU Extension Office located at 3328 Vandenburg Road, Klamath Falls 97603.

According to Roger Smith, ODFW fish biologist in Klamath Falls, the agency solicits public proposals for changes to the fishing regulations every four years and this year has a new process for submitting proposals. The new process is designed to allow for more meaningful public participation, improve the quality of proposals, and reduce the number of proposals for final review by the Fish and Wildlife Commission.

“We really want to encourage anglers to meet with their local ODFW fish biologist before submitting a regulation proposal,” Smith said. “This way we can work with them to refine their proposal or maybe think of another way to accomplish their objective.”

Meeting attendees will be able to:

  • Ask questions about how to submit a proposal for a regulation change
  • Get some pointers for preparing a successful proposal
  • Learn the best ways to show there is public support for their idea
  • Vet their preliminary ideas by staff

“We won’t be reviewing proposals at this meeting,” Smith said. “But we might be able to help steer someone in the right direction if they have some ideas.”

Information about the fishing regulation development process – including a list of ODFW staff proposals and guidelines for submitting a proposal –is available on the ODFW website.




Roger Smith (541) 883-5732
Jessica Sall (503) 947-6023

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