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December 2008
12-31-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission meets in Salem
12-31-08 ODFW Fish Screening Task Force to meet in Clackamas
12-29-08 Clinics offer chance to try hunting
12-26-08 ODFW seeks Malheur County hunter education instructors
12-19-08 Winter getaways - Jewell Meadows a gem for people who want to see elk
12-18-08 Access and Habitat program seeks regional council representatives Deadline to apply early January
12-18-08 Oregon, Washington adopt 2009 sturgeon, smelt fishing rules
12-12-08 Commission considers fishing enhancement plan
12-12-08 Commission adopts allocation formula for Columbia River chinook salmon
12-10-08 2009 big game hunt raffle tickets now on sale: Ideal gift for hunters on your list
12-03-08 Commission will consider proposals for Columbia River Chinook fisheries
12-02-08 Give a fishing or hunting license this holiday season
12-01-08 A Douglas County Ranching Operation Carries on Riley Freeman’s Vision
12-01-08 ODFW hosts Portland meeting on steelhead recovery plan
November 2008
11-19-08 ODFW Announces Online Fishing and Hunting License Sales
11-19-08 Make wild turkey hunting your Thanksgiving tradition: General season tags available
11-19-08 Oregon, Washington seeking nominations for Columbia River fishery committees
11-18-08 2009 Oregon sport fishing regulations now available
11-14-08 Commission adopts Black-Tailed Deer Management Plan
11-14-08 ODFW seeks candidates for Fish Passage Task Force
11-10-08 Young cougar killed in residential area near La Grande
11-07-08 ODFW awards Klamath Falls’ man Distinguished Hunter Education Instructor award
11-06-08 Commission meets in Salem Nov. 14
11-05-08 ODFW Fish Passage Task Force to meet in Salem
11-04-08 Chetco and Winchuck rivers re-open to chinook angling Nov. 5
11-04-08 Fish Restoration and Enhancement Board to meet in Brookings
October 2008
10-30-08 Conservation Plan to be Developed for Fall Chinook Salmon in Southern Oregon
10-29-08 ODFW hosts public meetings on steelhead recovery plan
10-29-08 Oregon’s symbolic species benefit from habitat restoration grants in honor of state’s 150th birthday
10-28-08 Chetco River Closure Extended to Protect Chinook Salmon Stocks - Winchuck Closed to Chinook Angling
10-27-08 Don’t be tricked by myths about bats
10-21-08 Retired state biologist honored at Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area
10-21-08 Local event features a look at nature through artists’ eyes
10-21-08 ODFW recognizes ODOT and Hamilton Construction for new wildlife-friendly bridges
10-20-08 ODFW looking for winter steelhead sponsors
10-10-08 Commission makes changes to Land Owner Preference program, residency requirements
10-10-08 Commission adopts 2009 Big Game Regulations
10-08-08 Access and Habitat Board meets Oct. 13 in Salem
10-07-08 Anglers reminded to know their salmon species
10-03-08 Commission to adopt 2009 big game regulations
10-02-08 Chetco sport chinook bubble fishery to open for one more day
10-02-08 ODFW rescinds Willamette chinook closure
10-01-08 Fish ladder repair opens Little Butte Creek to migrating fish
10-01-08 Keep Oregon free of Chronic Wasting Disease—get your deer and elk checked
September 2008
9-30-08 ODFW seeks comment on Simpson Creek passage waiver
9-30-08 Major hunting seasons begin Saturday: Be safe!
9-26-08 Oct. 3 is deadline for Western Oregon deer, cougar, bear tags
9-26-08 OHRC Advisory Committee to meet September 29 near Alsea
9-26-08 STEP conference postponed until spring
9-25-08 Razor clam digging reopens on Clatsop beaches Oct. 1
9-25-08 Sport anglers get one more all-depth halibut day but with a one-fish limit
9-25-08 ODFW offers hosting opportunities for RV enthusiasts
9-24-08 Proposed changes to 2009 Sport halibut season is topic of meetings Oct. 7 and 8 in Newport, Astoria
9-24-08 Hunters encouraged to apply for A&H board position
9-24-08 Recovery plan for mid-Columbia steelhead released
9-24-08 ODFW seeks candidates for Fish Screening Task Force
9-24-08 Daily bag limit change for fall chinook salmon in the Columbia River
9-22-08 Watershed restoration partners improve salmon habitat in Deadwood Creek
9-19-08 Commission adopts 2009 sport fishing regulations
9-18-08 Fishery managers reopen Columbia River chinook season
09-16-08 Sport halibut fishery to re-open
09-16-08 Coho salmon bag limit increased on Sandy, Clackamas and Eagle Creek
09-15-08 OR-FNAWS donates pickup truck for Hells Canyon bighorn sheep recovery
09-15-08 Black bear killed in Rogue River canyon
09-12-08 Commission to adopt 2009 sport fishing regulations
09-12-08 ODFW Fish Screening Task Force to meet in The Dalles
09-11-08 Chinook season on Columbia to continue as planned
09-10-08 Oregon and Washington commissions lead new Columbia River catch sharing group
09-09-08 State to host technical workshops to assist with marine reserves proposals: Sept. 15, Charleston and Sept. 18, Pacific City
09-05-08 Sport anglers may keep two halibut
09-04-08 Daily marine fish bag limit back up to six
09-03-08 Public invited to salmon, trout conference in Gresham Salmon in the City: Spawning Solutions through Creative Ideas
09-02-08 Sign up now for youth upland bird hunts in September
August 2008
08-29-08 ODFW seeks comment on Smith Dam fish passage waiver
08-28-08 Fishery managers close Buoy 10 coho and steelhead seasons
08-25-08 Columbia River area Pacific halibut reopens for Aug 29 only
08-21-08 Fishery managers close Buoy 10 chinook season
08-21-08 ODFW invites public comment on 2009 sport halibut season
08-18-08 Sport anglers may no longer retain cabezon
08-15-08 Proposed fishing regulations to be reconsidered by Fish and Wildlife Commission
08-15-08 Ocean salmon sport season north of Cape Falcon closes Aug. 17
08-14-08 Brookings-Harbor man receives minor injuries from animal attack
08-13-08 ODFW Fish Passage Task Force to meet in Grants Pass
08-12-08 Ocean salmon sport season south of Cape Falcon to close
08-11-08 ODFW begins restoration efforts on Big Elk Creek
08-11-08 Halibut fishing off Columbia River reopens
08-08-08 Nearly 14,000 private acres in Harney County to open for public hunting during 2008-09 season
08-08-08 A&H Program opens nearly 20,000 acres of NE Oregon private lands to public hunting
08-08-08 Commission adopts game bird hunting regulations: More turkey hunting opportunities in NE Oregon
08-07-08 Sport anglers get more all-depth halibut days
08-07-08 ODFW electro-fishes Diamond Lake
08-07-08 Meetings to discuss proposed changes in open-access commercial groundfish fishery
08-07-08 ODFW unveils Oregon Hunting Access Map: Interactive Google™ Map shows hunting opportunities statewide
08-06-08 Fish Restoration and Enhancement Board to meet in Reedsport
08-01-08 Elkhorn Rocky Mountain goats GPS-collared for first time
08-01-08 Commission to adopt game bird regulations, preview 2009-2012 sport fishing regulations
July 2008
07-29-08 Oregonians invited to propose areas for possible marine reserves
07-29-08 ODFW reminds anglers of changes to fall Columbia River chinook seasons
07-25-08 Wood River restoration efforts will help Klamath Lake rainbows
07-24-08 Fishery managers modify Columbia sturgeon seasons
07-21-08 Bait fish found in Diamond Lake
07-21-08 Wolf pack with pups confirmed in northeastern Oregon
07-21-08 Commission adopts furbearer trapping regulations
07-18-08 Commission adopts plan to reintroduce salmon into Upper Klamath Lake
07-16-08 Six problem bears killed in Florence, Yachats area
07-15-08 Columbia River area Pacific halibut summer sport fishing open Aug. 1 and 2
07-14-08 Access and Habitat Board meets in Baker City July 21-22
07-11-08 ODFW Asks: Report Turtle Sightings
07-10-08 Commission meets in Sisters July 17-18
07-10-08 Lahontan trout restoration efforts begin on Upper, North McDermitt creeks
07-10-08 Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program committee to meet in Gold Beach
07-08-08 Columbia River sturgeon retention closes in Bonneville Reservoir
07-08-08 ODFW announces statewide STEP conference October 3-5
07-03-08 Imnaha and Wallowa Rivers open for spring chinook fishing
07-03-08 Doe safely transferred to Wildlife Safari
07-02-08 ODFW Fish Screening Task Force to meet in John Day
June 2008
06-30-08 ODFW takes action to slow rockfish catch
06-30-08 Sandy woman injured by black bear
06-27-08 Sturgeon fishing in Columbia River estuary re-opens in July
06-27-08 Managers close summer chinook season above Bonneville Dam
06-20-08 Ocean coho salmon season opens June 22
06-20-08 Sockeye season opens on Columbia River
06-20-08 Two problem bears killed at Fort Hoskins Historic Park
06-19-08 ODFW announces coastal fall chinook regulations
06-18-08 Snake River spring chinook fishing to close June 21
06-18-08 Central Coast sport anglers get more all-depth halibut days
06-16-08 ODFW to conduct trout survey on Crooked River
06-13-08 Summer steelhead season on Columbia opens June 16
06-12-08 State launches marine reserve public proposal process
06-12-08 Human-fed problem Kings Valley Bear to be trapped
06-09-08 Youth fishing event scheduled near Bend
06-09-08 Brookings resident Jim Welter receives ODFW volunteer award
06-06-08 Coastal fall chinook temporary regulations to be set
06-06-08 Commission adopts fall 2008 big game tag numbers
06-06-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission approve ODFW’s budget proposal
06-04-08 No license required this weekend for shellfish
06-03-08 Trout are biting hard at family-friendly Diamond Lake
06-02-08 Free Fishing Weekend events scheduled for central and southeast Oregon
06-02-08 Free Fishing Weekend events scheduled for northwest Oregon
06-02-08 Comment on Oregon’s first Black-Tailed Deer Management Plan
May 2008
5-30-08 Lower Umatilla River to reopen for spring chinook fishing
5-30-08 Two commercial bay clamming permits available
5-30-08 ODFW invites you to fish for free June 7-8
5-30-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission to consider modifying regulations for coastal fall chinook
5-29-08 Fishery managers close Upper Willamette chinook salmon fishing season
5-29-08 Pacific halibut sport fishing closes for anglers fishing out of Columbia River ports
5-29-08 Free Fishing Weekend events scheduled for Southern Oregon
5-28-08 Emergency spring chinook harvest restrictions enacted on Rogue River
5-28-08 Free workshop for ranchers, farmers, landowners explores conservation actions that enhance productivity and wildlife habitat
5-28-08 Spring chinook fishery to open on Powder River
5-27-08 Fly fishing workshop scheduled near Starkey
5-23-08 ODFW seeks candidates for Fish Screening Task Force
5-23-08 ODFW to Hold Youth Angling Event at West Salish Pond
5-23-08 ODFW Access and Habitat Program seeks volunteer to serve on South Willamette Advisory Council
5-23-08 ODFW Access and Habitat Program seeks volunteer to serve on Northeast Advisory Council
5-21-08 Big game raffles, auctions gross nearly $560,000
5-20-08 Leave young wildlife in the wild say ODFW, OSP
5-20-08 Panel to Discuss Non-Native Wildlife Classifications May 21
5-19-08 ODFW to Hold Youth Angling Event at Vernonia Pond
5-19-08 Mason named to ODFW hatchery research advisory committee
5-15-08 People problems continue for Florence bears
5-14-08 Fish Restoration and Enhancement Board to meet in Hines
5-14-08 Controlled hunt deadline extended through Monday, May 19
5-14-08 ODFW Fish Passage Task Force to meet in Hines
5-13-08 Additional Grants Available for Conservation Projects to Benefit State’s Natural Symbols
5-12-08 ODFW to Host Youth Angling Event at Reinhart Pond in Grants Pass
5-12-08 Fishery managers delay summer steelhead season on Columbia
5-12-08 ODFW to Host Youth Fishing Event at Alton Baker Canoe Canal in Eugene
5-09-08 ODFW to explore cost-share agreement for double fencing of cervid ranches
5-09-08 Benton and Polk County residents advised to remove food sources that attract bears
5-08-08 ODFW fish managers close Willamette River chinook fishing
5-07-08 Special meeting on contested case hearing May 12
5-05-08 ODFW invites public comment on proposed fishing rules
5-02-08 ODFW to Host Youth Angling Event at McNary Ponds
5-02-08 Youth Angling Derby to Be Held at Junction City
5-02-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission meets in La Grande May 8-9
5-02-08 ODFW to Hold Youth Angling Event at Sunnyside Park
5-01-08 ODFW radio tags Rogue River spring chinook
April 2008
4-29-08 Hells Canyon bighorn sheep on the move
4-29-08 ODFW to Hold Youth Angling Event at Commonwealth Lake
4-29-08 Join the flock at the Ladd Marsh Birdathon, May 9-11
4-28-08 Pacific halibut season opens May 1
4-25-08 Remaining Fish to Be Removed from Roslyn Lake
4-25-08 ODFW Announces 2008 Summer, Fall Salmon Fishing Seasons for Columbia River
4-24-08 Waiting list developed for hagfish permits
4-24-08 Chinook Season Opens on Snake River
4-24-08 ODFW Reopens Tuesday Fishing on Columbia
4-24-08 Controlled hunt applications due May 15: Avoid common mistakes
4-22-08 ODFW to Hold Youth Angling Event at Trojan Pond
4-22-08 Share your love of the outdoors: Teach kids to fish
4-22-08 ODFW to Host Youth Fishing Event at Hebo Lake
4-22-08 Ice and snow prevent fish stocking at Diamond Lake and Lemolo for the April 26 trout opener
4-21-08 ODFW adds additional town hall meeting
4-21-08 Dead geese test positive for rodenticide
4-21-08 ODFW Seeks Input on Fall Chinook Fishing Regulations
4-18-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission votes to prohibit sale of shooter bulls
4-18-08 Access and Habitat Board to meet in Seaside April 21-22
4-17-08 ODFW to Study Reintroduction of Salmon into Upper Klamath Basin
4-17-08 ODFW Reduces Kokanee Limit on Lake Billy Chinook
4-17-08 Five meetings focus on groundfish management
4-16-08 Managers Close Columbia Salmon Fishing Season
4-16-08 Hunters, others invited to comment on big game management proposals at statewide meetings
4-15-08 Spring turkey hunting opens April 15
4-14-08 Statewide elk tag goes for $26,000 at RMEF banquet in Stayton
4-14-08 Hunters Asked to Report 2007 Harvest Efforts
4-11-08 ODFW announces limited ocean coho salmon season
4-11-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission to consider new cervid ranching rules
4-11-08 ODFW to Host Youth Fishing Event in Cottage Grove
4-08-08 ODFW to Host Youth Angling Event at McNary Ponds
4-08-08 New control methods to deal with nuisance Canada geese being considered
4-08-08 Special meeting on contested case hearing
4-07-08 Fall chinook fisheries meetings scheduled for South Coast
4-07-08 Family Fun Day at Upper Empire Lake
4-04-08 OPAC Receives Public Response to Marine Reserve Proposal
4-04-08 ODFW Fish Screening Task Force to meet in Salem April 11
4-03-08 Four members sought for Oregon Hatchery Research Center Advisory Committee
March 2008
3-31-08 Hold Youth Angling Event at St. Louis Ponds
3-31-08 ODFW Salmon, Trout Enhancement Program Committee to meet in Cascade Locks
3-31-08 ODFW hosts Town Hall meetings on proposed budget: First meetings to be held in Portland, Bend, La Grande and Ontario
3-31-08 Statewide deer tag goes for $24,000 at Oregon Bow Hunters Association banquet in Canyonville
3-28-08 Spring bear season opens April 1 for some hunts: Check-in now mandatory
3-26-08 BPA, ODFW and Greenbelt Land Trust announce prairie and oak conservation in the Willamette Valley
3-25-08 Shooting range grant applications due April 15
3-24-08 ODFW seeks landowners and groups interested in conserving greater sage-grouse
3-21-08 What federal wolf delisting means for Oregon’s livestock producers
3-21-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission hears about salmon and sea lions
3-19-08 Sturgeon retention closes March 26 in John Day Reservoir
3-19-08 OHRC Advisory Committee to meet April 2 near Alsea
3-19-08 Member sought for Oregon Hatchery Research Center Advisory Committee
3-18-08 Steelhead successfully passing Feed Canal Dam
3-18-08 Oregon granted authority for lethal removal of sea lions
3-17-08 Spring chinook season in Hood, Deschutes Rivers opens April 15
3-17-08 Take the kids fishing March 22 in Creswell: Fish and gear provided
3-14-08 Oregon’s Chinook Salmon 2008 Fisheries
3-14-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission meets in North Bend
3-13-08 Sea urchin diving permits up for lottery
3-12-08 Clean bird feeders regularly to keep songbirds healthy
3-12-08 Sturgeon retention closes March 15 in The Dalles Reservoir
3-12-08 Clean bird feeders regularly to keep songbirds healthy
3-03-08 Statewide elk tag goes for $15,500 in Eugene
February 2008
2-29-08 The tale of two broodstocks
2-28-08 OSU and ODFW to begin Blitzen River redband trout study
2-25-08 Access and Habitat Program combo deer and elk tag auctioned for $40,000 at Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation convention
2-21-08 Lower Columbia River closes to salmon, steelhead fishing Feb. 25
2-21-08 Hunter education now available online
2-20-08 New fishing and hunting license holders available at ODFW offices
2-19-08 Fish Restoration and Enhancement Board to meet in Salem
2-14-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission supports lower Columbia River recreational spring chinook fishery; one fish daily bag limit
2-13-08 Commission plans conference call to discuss 2008 Columbia River spring chinook fishery
2-08-08 Commission adopts cougar and bear agent rules; 2008 Columbia River sturgeon season
2-08-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission adopts Columbia River spring Chinook management objectives
2-07-08 Winter feeding of deer and elk can do more harm than good
2-06-08 ODFW Seeks Candidates for Commercial Fishery Permit Board
2-01-08 ODFW Experts Answer Your Questions at Northwest Sportsmen’s Show
January 2008
1-31-08 ODFW seeks Tillamook County hunter education instructors
1-31-08 Big game auction hunts offer extended hunting seasons
1-31-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission meets in Salem Feb. 7-8
1-28-08 Hatchery research meeting in Waldport cancelled
1-25-08 OSU Launches ‘Oregon Wildlife Explorer’ Portal; Includes ‘Wildlife Viewer’
1-25-08 Roslyn Lake bag and size limits lifted beginning Feb. 1
1-25-08 ODFW steps up moose monitoring with first-ever collaring
1-24-08 Radio-collared gray wolf verified in Northeast Oregon
1-23-08 OHRC Advisory Committee to meet Jan. 30 near Alsea
1-23-08 2008 halibut quota similar to last year
1-16-08 Steelhead anglers should find success statewide
1-11-08 Fish and Wildlife Commission delays setting rules for volunteer agents
1-11-08 Meeting will discuss 2008 Pacific Halibut season
1-11-08 ODFW advises: Dont use plastic fishing and hunting license holders
1-11-08 Learn to hunt and fish at an ODFW workshop
1-11-08 Deer and elk raffle tickets purchased on or before Dec. 17 contain errors
1-10-08 Help keep critters outside where they belong: Tips for homeowners on how to secure your house
1-10-08 Northwest and Willamette Zone trout stocking schedules available on ODFW’s website
1-04-08 Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission meets with Washington counterparts
1-04-08 Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program committee will meet in Salem Jan. 18-19
1-03-08 ODFW Fish Screening Task Force to meet in Salem Jan. 11


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